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Epilepsy and Demonic Possession...or something of the sort

Tue, 06/24/2008 - 16:43

Has anyone had problems with religious family members whipping out Mark 9 (the chapter where Jesus heals a boy who apparently is having seizures of some sort), then declaring that you must have demons in you, or you have spiritual unrest, or are somehow "not right" with God?

My father did that to me recently. When he started talking about it, I was afraid he was going to try an exorcism on me right then and there. But he didn't - he just prayed. Ever since then he's been pushing me to talk to my minister about my alleged spiritual unrest. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that - soon we'll have a new minister and I can just see me going in on his first day on the job and saying, "O hi, sometimes I wake up at night with a yell and then I shake. Can you help me? I must not be right with God."  The poor minister would probably put a request in for a transfer that same day.

I mean, I do have Demons. I really do. And I have Crime and Punishment and The Idiot and Brothers Karamazov and most of Dostoevsky's works. (Sorry - had to get a book nerd joke in there.)

Seriously, I thank this very same Deity (with whom I am supposedly not right) that I'm an adult and live a few states away from my father. But this still bothers me because I have to deal with my father's pestering me to talk to the minister. Truly, I think it goes beyond just a religious matter and it's more a question of my father's sanity.

So has anyone else dealt with this demons issue?


Re: Epilepsy and Demonic Possession...or something of the sort

Submitted by 9livecat on Thu, 2013-10-03 - 12:18
thanks u made me laugh to tears robin /i hope i recall this if i encounter xtians again to use it and escape/how did it work?

Re: Epilepsy and Demonic Possession...or something of the sort

Submitted by Robin Salmansohn on Thu, 2013-10-03 - 22:32

When government fears the people, that is liberty. When the people fears the government, that is tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson

Beware of mirrors, chimneys and TV antenna's. When I had my first seizure at age 15, I was brushing my hair in front of our big mirror down in the dining room. I always brushed my hair their because I was about to walk to school. I woke up in the ER, not knowing what had happened to me, or where I was. My mom told me that  had a seizure because 'strange rays had come down the chimney and leaked out where the mirror was.' Supposedly epilepsy rays lives in chimneys, but leaks out of mirrors. Mom had said that I would never be allowed in front of a mirror again, and had to avoid walking past chimneys as well. This is not true, Epilepsy is really caused by UFO's who attack the earth. The FDA has their own planet which is large, beautiful, and has no trash, garbage, or pollution. They send it all to earth. It is kept clean by taking people of the earth. We do all of the work. We get all of their junk. The FDA drugs us, making us do their bidding. They send us on giant crystals of MSG. We are tied to MSG. The MSG powers the itself to the earth, because it is repulsive. They aim it at us, some of it is burnt up in getting us here. They aim it at us, but it is always aimed at the so called dish TV antenna's. They are not really for TV, they suck in UFO's. Stay away from them! And stay away from mirrors and from chimneys too!

When government fears the people, that is liberty. When the people fears the government, that is tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson

Beware of mirrors, chimneys and TV antenna's. When I had my first seizure at age 15, I was brushing my hair in front of our big mirror down in the dining room. I always brushed my hair their because I was about to walk to school. I woke up in the ER, not knowing what had happened to me, or where I was. My mom told me that  had a seizure because 'strange rays had come down the chimney and leaked out where the mirror was.' Supposedly epilepsy rays lives in chimneys, but leaks out of mirrors. Mom had said that I would never be allowed in front of a mirror again, and had to avoid walking past chimneys as well. This is not true, Epilepsy is really caused by UFO's who attack the earth. The FDA has their own planet which is large, beautiful, and has no trash, garbage, or pollution. They send it all to earth. It is kept clean by taking people of the earth. We do all of the work. We get all of their junk. The FDA drugs us, making us do their bidding. They send us on giant crystals of MSG. We are tied to MSG. The MSG powers the itself to the earth, because it is repulsive. They aim it at us, some of it is burnt up in getting us here. They aim it at us, but it is always aimed at the so called dish TV antenna's. They are not really for TV, they suck in UFO's. Stay away from them! And stay away from mirrors and from chimneys too!

Re: Epilepsy and Demonic Possession...or something of the sort

Submitted by DJH on Sun, 2011-02-13 - 06:51
There are differences between epilepsy and demonic possession. The official Catholic Church practice, which was updated in 1999, requires that a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding the individual thought to be possessed be undertaken. The Church’s guidelines urge prudence and emphasize the importance of “discernment of spirits,” which is considered to be a gift of the Holy Spirit. Because many mental illnesses could be mistakenly interpreted as evidence of possession, it is typical, that an exorcist will have a team of individuals (a psychiatrist, psychologist and perhaps a neurologist) that he trusts to help him with discernment. The Church further gives the following as potential signs of demonic possession:
  •  Speaking in a language the individual does not know.
  • Scratching, cutting, biting of the skin.
  • Profound display of strength.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Aversion to anything holy, such as mentioning the name of Jesus or Mary, or the act of praying.
  • Strong or violent reaction to holy water.

Once the need for a formal exorcism is determined, the rite is conducted in a private setting such as a church, a holy space if no church is available, or a person's home, where family members can be present.


  •  Speaking in a language the individual does not know.
  • Scratching, cutting, biting of the skin.
  • Profound display of strength.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Aversion to anything holy, such as mentioning the name of Jesus or Mary, or the act of praying.
  • Strong or violent reaction to holy water.

Once the need for a formal exorcism is determined, the rite is conducted in a private setting such as a church, a holy space if no church is available, or a person's home, where family members can be present.


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