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Drug-resistant epilepsy and no social life

Sun, 08/04/2019 - 16:01
Hi everone, This is my first time posting on this forum. I have drug-resistant epilepsy with focal seizures which happen 3-5 times a week right now. I am on a combination of meds and my neurologist and I are still trying to find the medication that works for me; the meds control my generalised seizures but not the focals. My problem is as my epilepsy became uncontrollable about 4 years ago my social life disappeared. I lost friends and feel isolated from "normal" life. I can't drive and due to the high frequency of my seizures and side effects from my medicine I have a hard time making friends and leaving the house. I feel so alone ... does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks!


Hi, I also have drug

Submitted by nolagirl80 on Mon, 2019-08-12 - 11:05
Hi, I also have drug-resistant seizures (focal and generalized). I'm not sure that your friends were real friends, sweetie. I'm sorry about that, but the right friends don't leave because you're sick. Regarding driving, ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft have literally changed my life. I can go grocery shopping again. I can go to the library. Or a bookstore. I just make sure I'm always wearing my medical bracelet and I have rescue medication - just in case. And I let people know I'm leaving the house for an hour or two, so everyone is on the same page at the end of the day. Especially because we don't look sick, we have to look out for ourselves. Good luck. 

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