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Wed, 01/05/2005 - 13:53

I have a Question.  Is there anyone out here who is still driving or still has their Drivers License even with the Seizures they are having?  I am 25 and love my independence that my drivers License gives me. I have partial Seizures sometimes and was just curious about driving, my Drivers License is up for renewal soon. Thanks. 


RE: RE: RE: Driving

Submitted by AvidRunner22 on Sat, 2005-04-09 - 10:34
i haven't been diagnosed with anything or put on any meds at all, and with the frequency of my dizziness and zoning out and not just always being on top of things, i'm not driving anymore. i was before my initial seizure in july of last year but right now, it just don't seem smart to be behind the wheel.

RE: RE: RE: RE: Driving

Submitted by amyj on Sat, 2005-04-09 - 11:22
I live in California and although my lic. has not been revoked, I have not driven since May 2004. I have complex partial seizures. My doctor says that I need to be 6 mos. seizure free before I can drive again. I will not drive until that time -- it's not a chance I am willing to take, with my life or anyone elses.

RE: Driving

Submitted by jtschley on Sat, 2005-04-09 - 10:55

Hello, my name is John.  My wife has had absent seizures since birth, but they always happened at night.  Up until 2003 she was able to drive.  In 2003 something in her body changed and she started having them in the day.  At this point the State of California has suspened her license and we still have not been able to 6 months without a siezure.  Shortly after her suspension, my mother told us how a man got was sued and convicted of involunteer man slaughter because he caused a car accident in Maryland.  The man had the VNS and even used it earlier that day to help control his seizures.  Unlike a heart-attacks where they can happen at anytime and one never knows when or where, he knew of his seizures and knew they can strick at any time.

I recommend that anyone with seizures that drive check with your city and state to see if you could be charged with man slaughter if you cause an accident due to seizure.


Hello, my name is John.  My wife has had absent seizures since birth, but they always happened at night.  Up until 2003 she was able to drive.  In 2003 something in her body changed and she started having them in the day.  At this point the State of California has suspened her license and we still have not been able to 6 months without a siezure.  Shortly after her suspension, my mother told us how a man got was sued and convicted of involunteer man slaughter because he caused a car accident in Maryland.  The man had the VNS and even used it earlier that day to help control his seizures.  Unlike a heart-attacks where they can happen at anytime and one never knows when or where, he knew of his seizures and knew they can strick at any time.

I recommend that anyone with seizures that drive check with your city and state to see if you could be charged with man slaughter if you cause an accident due to seizure.


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