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Dizziness in morning

Sun, 04/05/2020 - 14:12
Hi, I’ve had complex partial onset seizures for the last 10 years. Out of nowhere, the last few months about an hour or two after I wake up I start getting dizzy. After I take a 20-45 minute nap it is gone and it doesn’t happen for the rest of the day. If it matters, the only two changes in my body the last few months is I have gained 8 pounds and my vision changed from -5.75 to -.6. The dizziness doesn’t happen every day, but last few months it has increased to 3 – 5 times a week. The last two years, I’ve been on aptium and lamotrigine. Once again, this just started a few months ago and randomly happens only in morning. Has any ever experienced similar problems or have had this diagnosed?


Micael, I'm currently taking

Submitted by Kellan on Tue, 2020-04-07 - 10:48
Micael, I'm currently taking both meds (aptium, lamotrigine) before I go to bed, around 9 - 10pm. They may change this, I already sent an email to the Dr.. 

Micael, I'm currently taking

Submitted by Kellan on Tue, 2020-04-07 - 10:48
Micael, I'm currently taking both meds (aptium, lamotrigine) before I go to bed, around 9 pm. They may change this, I already sent an email to the Dr.. 

Dizziness could be a seizure.

Submitted by Misjoey101 on Tue, 2020-04-07 - 17:36
Dizziness could be a seizure. I also have complex partial seizure and have the neuropace machine(which tracks seizure activity). My family has noticed that double vision, drunk walking/dizziness and waking up dizzy in the morning are all signs of seizure activity that have appeared on the Neuropace record. 

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