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CLA and Green tea conflictions with Lamotrigine/Lamictal

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 08:05

I have epilepsy and have had it for over 15 years, i take lamotrogine and havent had a seizure for over 5 years now, but recently i have started taking CLA and green tea to assist my weight loss along with exercise. Since iv been taking these i have felt strangly dizzy just after i take them.

 I have read on another forum that Green tea tablets conflict with epilepsy tablets/treatments. I dont know wether to stop taking both because i have no idea if CLA conflicts also. I will obviously stop taking both until i know. Can someone advise if CLA conflicts as well or had the same experience? Im so worried.


Re: CLA and Green tea conflictions with Lamotrigine/Lamictal

Submitted by samkinch on Mon, 2010-06-28 - 17:36
I try to stay off as much sugar as possible (except natural sugars like fruit and honey etc) as i get really bad insomnia when i have it past 1pm in the afternoon. Doctors insist  its nothing to do with the food and say im dsepressed. I know its the sugar in food. My doctors seem to just brush it off and i havent had much help from them so far

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