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Any Lamictal Users

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 16:08
In 1978 I was put on Depekene, know known as Depakote ER. I have done great with a few break through seizures along the way. After falling on wet steps at work, hitting my head, my seizures have increased to the point my neurologist has added Lamictal. I am hoping to hear some positive feedback on this because I am so scared being back on this medication rollercoaster. Is there anyone here on Lamictal with positive outcome of any type? Thanks in advance for your info. 4generations


Medications differ from

Submitted by Jazz101 on Fri, 2019-07-12 - 18:56
Medications differ from person to person 4generations. What works well on some at times doesn't on another. I have tried Lamictal but that was a while ago. There are quite a few new names out there 4g. Speak with your neurologist about them. That said, medications is always a game of trial and error. After all, like I said, what does a bit of magic for some at times doesn't on others. In fact, I have a friend who is on Vimpat. Says it works pretty good. When I tried it years ago, it had the opposite effect. I saw more seizure activity.So speak with your neurologist about some of the new names. That way you get to sift thru which you feel is worth trying. Who knows, the Lamictal, although it's not so recent,  might be effective. Best Regards

That's great Christina. You

Submitted by Jazz101 on Sat, 2019-07-13 - 14:24
That's great Christina. You're an example of how particular meds can work pretty good on one person but not necessarily that good on another. I always say to individuals that when trying a new medication, just see how it works. Try not to guess the outcome. I find that guessing can really either make us overly optimistic or overly pessimistic about the outcome. And neither is in our favor. Just try to find that middle road of saying; "Let's see what happens. After all, there are other meds just in case." I am in the process of switching from Keppra to Onfi. I made sure I asked my neurologist to outline two other names as backups, just in case. Best Regards

ive benn been on lamictal and

Submitted by buddenlee on Sun, 2019-08-11 - 10:39
ive benn been on lamictal and zarontin for 22 years now. as soon as my Doctor added lamictal my seizures stopped.I was having them weekly. i went through all the meds prior to that. 

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