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Sun, 01/09/2005 - 19:30
Hello! I'm new to the community and I was just wondering if anyone has anybody has any info. about a surgery for people having seizures. My son has seizures and started having them when he was 4 or 5. He's 16 now and taking tegretol 800mg in the am with neurotin 900mg with an afternoon dose of neurotin 900mg and a night dose of tegretol 900mg and neurotin 900mg and to NO avail still having seizures.He had an appt. today where they were discussing surgery. So I would like any info. about the surgery if anyone has or knows of any.


RE: RE: RE: Surgery

Submitted by WendyS on Sun, 2005-01-09 - 19:30
Nancy, Thank you for the sharing of your experience it does sound very painful. From the people I've talked with and you as well, it's due to the drilling through the outside of bone to the inside. Do your ears ring? I would thing the sound of hearing a drill would bother you? What is a TENS unit? Is it inserted inside you or do you carry it? I've never expierenced a migrain headache before. The worse kind I've had is extremely bad tension or sinus headace. I was hoping to be off meds sooner that two years but whatever it will take. I'm afraid because when I pass by a certain place or hear a certain song or smell a certain smell for some reason which is so hard to explain it causes me to have a seizure. I also find that if I have more than 3 seizures in my set of seizures that I have dejuv'ue. I work now and it's very stress orientated and I'm the only one who knows the job and where I'm at. So I need to get back to work as soon as possible. Don't get me wrong I won't jeopordize undoing what the surgery does for me if I'm able to have it but I like my job and independance and want to keep it! I hope you will be able to as well , good luck and thank you for all your personal experiences, It helps knowing your not alone. WendyS

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