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Fri, 02/20/2004 - 21:06
My name is Shawn, and my daughter Emily has been diagnosed with Frontal Lobal Epilepsy. The scary thing is they put her on medication and the seizures didn't get any better. She out of the blue had a grand mull seizure 12/4/03. She's only 2 1/2 years old. It's scary to know as her Dad who's supposed to protect her can't do a single thing about this. I'm also worried because the Doctor said this could lead to a real bad form of Epilepsy. Thanks for reading this and please feel free to respond. It helps to talk about it.


RE: Fears

Submitted by LGS-Parent on Fri, 2004-02-20 - 21:06
I would just like to respond to Shawn about his fear for his daughter. I can understand this fear my daughter at the age of 4 1/2 started to have seizures. Scarey I know but the worst for me is that I have epilepsy aswell and never knew that my daughter could get it aswell.My daughter is now 7 1/2 and yes it has been a tough road but she is very close to being two years seizure free from grand mal seizures and as for myself I am 11 years seisure free. take care and be strong it will work out. ck

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