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Abnormal CCTV

Sat, 06/19/2004 - 20:16
My 7 yr old daughter just finished 48 hours of CCTV with inconclusive results. She has had Absence Epilepsy, but has been seizure/meds free for 8 months. During hyperventilation at her last office EEG, she had six varied types of seizures that lasted 15 seconds on the average. However, the EEG did not read clinical seizures. Does anyone know anything about this? What else could it be?


RE: Abnormal CCTV

Submitted by mexican_fire on Fri, 2004-06-18 - 18:24
Hi,I can tell you that EEGs do not pick up EVERYTHING, EVERYTIME.They pick up mostly the stuff near the surface. If she is having seizures that are deeper in the brain, the EEG will not get it either, and get this one--people with epilepsy can have normal readings, despite what the symptoms are. I had 3 regular EEGs, and 2 of them were showing abnormal waves coming from the temporal lobe--difuse slow waves. The third one was normal.I was placed in the VEEG unit for 8 days, and had 3 DIFFERENT seizures, and they finally got the focus on them. I have a mixed pattern epilepsy--4 types all together.Good luck with your daughter.Nancy

Re: RE: Abnormal CCTV

Submitted by Masterjen on Wed, 2010-09-08 - 10:22
Mexican_Fire: Had to jump in here. I am the one who posted about "standard" seizure patterns, but I think you just answered my query. If you have 3 different seizure types, then this means the seizures do not affect you the same way every time, right??

RE: Abnormal CCTV

Submitted by tessasmom on Fri, 2004-06-18 - 21:17
Thanks for you reply - a couple questions: Was this your first experience with Seizure Disorder? Can you shed any light on the term 'non clinical seizures'? She has been so good for so long and this is all different, I just don't understand what's going on here.

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