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Advice on pregnancy/delivery; vaginal vs. c-section births

Thu, 07/13/2006 - 15:27
All, I am a 39 y.o. woman; I've had complex partial seizures since I was about 3, with very occasional grand mals throughout the years. I take 750 mg of Lamictal and 1000 mg of Keppra per day. I am currently about 12 1/2 weeks pregnant. Yesterday, my husband and I went to the hospital for that early sonogram test, where you get to see the fetus for the very first time. I was thrilled to see that the fetus is alive and kicking, with all its limbs in place, and as developed as it should be, almost to the day. Though I realize I'm a long way from having a successful full-term pregnancy, I'm physically very strong, and - other than the seizures - in near perfect health, so I'm very optimistic that the pregnancy can continue to be a healthy and safe one. Now that I've actually seen the developing baby, the results of the pregnancy feel that much more real to me, and my mind is starting to wander towards questions about delivery. I wonder the following: Did the labor itself bring on seizures? If so, were they more severe than usual, given all the stress a birthing woman's body is going through? If at all possible, I'd like to avoid a c-section. But I wonder if it's more likely that WWE end up having c-sections due to potential complications? Also, was there anybody out there that felt forced into having a c-section because of complications related to seizures? I live in the Boston area, where there are excellent medical facilities, and I am fully insured, so I have access to many resources in this town. I wonder if any of you felt it was important to find an OB that had big, big experience with delivering babies of WWE? (That actually sounds like a tall order to me....) The doctor's appointment yesterday inspired me to join this listserve, so I could make contact with other WWE who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth, hear about their experiences, and get insights. I thank all of you who take the time to read and respond to this. Kindly, Laura


I am currently six months

Submitted by sashajewel on Fri, 2008-01-11 - 02:50
I am currently six months pregnant and was diagnosed as epileptic last year, I am so scared of what will happen during childbirth, I have a 7y.o and his birth was perfect, but i was not on any meds then, very worried, more about having a seizure during labour or excessive bleeding

re:Advice on pregnancy/delivery; vaginal vs. c-section births

Submitted by sbrobin on Thu, 2008-01-24 - 20:59

I had an all natural birth with my first son and plan to again with this next one due in June.  Since I was high risk due to epilepsy I did deliver at a larger hospital with my OB, but also had a doula there.  My OB is awesome and his wife is actually a midwife so he was very supportive of any decisions I made.  Luckily I have the same OB for this kiddo.

 My laboring did not bring on seizures.  My OB did want to induce me, but that was because he suspected cord compression and not due to epilepsy.  I did not have to up my meds until the week after delivery due to being terribly sleep deprived!

 Keep your docs informed and good communication between your neuro and OB.

I had an all natural birth with my first son and plan to again with this next one due in June.  Since I was high risk due to epilepsy I did deliver at a larger hospital with my OB, but also had a doula there.  My OB is awesome and his wife is actually a midwife so he was very supportive of any decisions I made.  Luckily I have the same OB for this kiddo.

 My laboring did not bring on seizures.  My OB did want to induce me, but that was because he suspected cord compression and not due to epilepsy.  I did not have to up my meds until the week after delivery due to being terribly sleep deprived!

 Keep your docs informed and good communication between your neuro and OB.

Thinking about trying

Submitted by D Bryan on Sat, 2008-01-12 - 23:12
Hey I am thinking about trying. What meds are you on?

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