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Sat, 09/08/2007 - 23:33
Hello, I'm new here so bare with me!! I have a 9 year old daughter with intractable epilepsy. She was diagnosed when she was 2. Currently weening down on some meds to get her on Felbatol. Just heard of a product called Reliv.....Its supposed to be some kinda of supplement. My mother-in-law has a friend that is trying to get us to use it for our daughter. Its like 4 dif. types of powders you make into 4 dif. shakes. I guess it is suppose to help with seizures. I'm kinda skeptical though!!! I mean we have tried so many dif. meds with no real success. Shes been on like, 5-6 dif meds. They ruled out surgery. We have done video eeg 3 times. Twice at St. Louis Childrens and once at Mayo Clinic. Shes been airlifted by helicopter 4 times for prolonged seizures. Dont really know what to think anymore. Didnt know if anybody has heard of this product and if it would hurt to try it. My first thought was that it is just a glorified supplement in powder form!! Any thoughts or comments would greatly be appreciated. Oh... She also has VNS. It seems to have helped with her prolonged seizures. Have only gave Diastat once in almost 3 years. B-4 VNS we gave it like twice a month!!!! Thanks

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