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First Seizure and Episodes?

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 10:02
I had my first grand mal seizure on December 16. My husband woke up to me having it and called an ambulance. All scans and mri came back clear. Eeg scheduled for Friday. I have no family history of epilepsy, and no head trauma. Perfectly healthy 24 yr old in other respects! I am on no medications. My main question in this is about my other “episodes” that I’ve had for 3 years now. I am conscious during them. They started out as heart palpitations, and have gotten increasingly worse and more frequent. They started also including dizziness, the feeling of falling, intense loudness, everything speeding up, tightness in my chest, and a difficulty to function through the attack. I can speak, but it is difficult. I usually need to sit down. Sometimes I have buzzing in my head or a tingling feeling in my face. I am very calm during these episodes. They only last 8-10 seconds, but can happen 4-5 times daily. I usually have at least one daily, with a rare day of none. I am a worrier by nature, and have been told they sound like panic attacks. But I have a hard time believing there is no connection between them and my grand mal seizure, since I have no other health problems. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? I will be speaking with my neurologist more about this after the EEG, hopefully.


Many people find after a

Submitted by Amy Jo on Fri, 2018-01-12 - 12:18
Many people find after a tonic clonic that they've been having other partial seizures for years but no one caught they were seizures until after a tonic clonic. There's such a variety of seizures that even many docs just don't realize. So, yes, mention it. If the doc blows it off and the episodes continue, look into seeing an epileptologist. Because if your episodes aren't seizures, they could easily be an important condition to get identified. An epileptologist can help patients with difficult to control epilepsy, difficult to identify epilepsy and identifying conditions which mimic epilepsy.

Thank you for taking the time

Submitted by theworleygirlie on Tue, 2018-01-23 - 14:18
Thank you for taking the time to answer! My EEG came back clear, so my neurologist recommended staying in the EMU to determine whether or not my episodes are seizures. I will be doing that in February. If they are just panic attacks, that’s treatable too just like seizures would be, and possibly easier to treat. So I’m trying to keep a positive outlook and not worry about it. They don’t need to define me. 

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