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Loss time at work

Wed, 02/07/2018 - 23:00
I’m a nurse in a nursing home. I had epilepsy for 6 years but I only had one seizure at the time of the diagnosis. I just recently had a seizure at work. I missed pretty much 6 hours of work. I was there but I wasn’t able to function. I was trying to pass meds but couldn’t recall how to do my job. Is it normal to have lost that much time? I have only had 1 seizure before so this is new. My job is talking about firing me due to patient neglect while I was having the seizure.


When my son had just first

Submitted by mereloaded on Thu, 2018-02-08 - 19:43
When my son had just first seizure, he completely forgot one semesters worth of math subjects. He completely  lost all information and till this day, he doesn’t remember any of it.Anyway,” Jamais Vu “ is an epilepsy symptom in which people seemly forget to do certain tasks even though they have done them forever, like forgetting how to drive for example. It is temporary however. I know of people that have complex partials that completely lost hours of the day and sometimes don’t even know how they got home.

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