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period intervals with depakote

Tue, 05/16/2006 - 19:55
I started taking Depakote around the time I first got my period, and since then, it has never been normal. I hate living in the fear of having my period unexpextedly (since its not regular) and having seizures. my periods usually are 2-5 months apart, so it's pretty annoying not knowing around when it'll happen. Anyone else have this problem?


I just came off of Zonisamine

Submitted by Pettyae on Thu, 2019-05-23 - 22:23
I just came off of Zonisamine in Feb and its almost June and no period.  Took a pregnancy test and it comes back negative.  It did this last time I came off of a different medicine and went back to Depakote.  My husband and I are trying to concieve and willing to take the chances.  Anyone else in the same predicament?

I was on Depakote for 3 years

Submitted by tmoskonas on Mon, 2019-12-09 - 20:52
I was on Depakote for 3 years and ever since I started, I never had a normal period. I had a normal period before I started. It could range between, completely skipping my monthly periods or spotting irregularly and getting periods close in time to one another. I visited a gynecologist when it worsened in college and what bothered me most, was that she insisted Depakote had no effects on a menstrual cycle because she “knows Depakote” and “dealt with Depakote for years.” Once I got off Depakote this past year and my periods became normal again, I realized how wrong the gynecologist was. I wish there was more awareness towards women’s cycles and how Depakote can effect it. 

Re: period intervals with depakote

Submitted by natalya on Thu, 2006-05-18 - 16:48
During my research regarding Depakote I found an article by dr. Yearby and there was a lot about Depakote causing polysystic ovary syndrome. Try to ask your neurologist if he knows anything about it and also ask the same question your OB. Depakote probably the reason for your irregular periods. Hopefully, this info will help you! Natalya.

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