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Ovary removal and seizures

Mon, 01/09/2006 - 10:58
Hi to all. I have a question relating to some surgery I had a couple of years ago. I had a large benign tumor on my right ovary. Both the tumor and ovary were removed. A few months after the surgery, I had an episode where I apparently lost consciousness. This was probably mid-2004. When I came to I was speaking to a receptionist in the office I was in. At that time I attributed it to falling asleep. I had no other similar episodes until March of 2005. Since then I have had numourous episodes of similar behavior. I am told that I sometimes mumble, walk around aimlessly or say strange things. One friend said that I also occasionally pick at my clothing or the sofa I am sitting on. The other people who have witnessed me have not noticed this behavior. A very large portion of the episodes have occured around the time of my period. There is a history of epilepsy on my mother's side of the family. However, I have a history of emotional problems. I have consulted with physisians about my current situtaion. I have had an EEG and MRI done. Both turned out normal. Both my regular doctor and the neurologist I saw think my episodes are emotional reactions and not epilepsy. I have tried to point out to them that the majority of my episodes have occured around the time of my period. I have also tried pointing out to them that there is a history of epilepsy in my family. Because of my previous emotional difficulties, the physical causes of my episodes are discounted. Is it possible that thet removal of my ovary has done something to my hormone levels that has triggered these episodes? Whether the emotional or physical causes are at fault for my episodes, this has been very scarry to deal with. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Re: Ovary removal and seizures

Submitted by diana73 on Sat, 2011-07-09 - 01:28

hi, i know this posting is old but i need to get more information about ovary removal.

i'll be bluntly honest.. i unfortunately had an abortion a year and a half ago and that's when the majority of all my problems started! my left ovary has been bothering me. at first it was just around my period but then it was all the time as time went by. the seizures started off small, then went to gran mals along w the pain in my left ovary. i went to an OBGYN to get that Left ovary out but she just removed scar tissue around it. i did experience some of my epliesy to subside a little for about 2 months, now the pain and the seizures are back AGAIN! and i want it removed completely! 

i've associated the pain w my seizure activity and have done some research regarding sex hormones that are produced in the ovaries (ex: EStrogen). Estrogen may exacerbate the disease!



hi, i know this posting is old but i need to get more information about ovary removal.

i'll be bluntly honest.. i unfortunately had an abortion a year and a half ago and that's when the majority of all my problems started! my left ovary has been bothering me. at first it was just around my period but then it was all the time as time went by. the seizures started off small, then went to gran mals along w the pain in my left ovary. i went to an OBGYN to get that Left ovary out but she just removed scar tissue around it. i did experience some of my epliesy to subside a little for about 2 months, now the pain and the seizures are back AGAIN! and i want it removed completely! 

i've associated the pain w my seizure activity and have done some research regarding sex hormones that are produced in the ovaries (ex: EStrogen). Estrogen may exacerbate the disease!



Hi I know your post us old, I

Submitted by mousey on Mon, 2017-07-31 - 20:03
Hi I know your post us old, I've had a large Dermoid Cyst removed, the difference being I've being epileptic all my life, a month after I had 7 seizures, and a monthly, not much different, the following month  it reduced down to 5 which consisted of a couple of light headed giddy auras, then the following month I only had 1 seizure, but my cycle seemed really light, I thought having one of my ovaries removed nay of made me perimeni pausal, but this month I have had a normal cycle no seizures at the beginning, it's looking like I'm not going to get them at the end either, it does make me question, if the Dermoid was the root cause?

Hi I know your post us old, I

Submitted by mousey on Mon, 2017-07-31 - 20:09
Hi I know your post us old, I've had a large Dermoid Cyst removed, the difference being I've being epileptic all my life, a month after I had 7 seizures, and a monthly, not much different, the following month  it reduced down to 5 which consisted of a couple of light headed giddy auras, then the following month I only had 1 seizure, but my cycle seemed really light, I thought having one of my ovaries removed nay of made me perimeni pausal, but this month I have had a normal cycle no seizures at the beginning, it's looking like I'm not going to get them at the end either, it does make me question, if the Dermoid was the root cause?

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