Community Forum Archive

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not medicated am I doing the right thing?

Mon, 07/17/2006 - 08:38
Hi I hope someone can help or even offer an opinion as I know no one with epilepsy much less in my situation. I am 30 I suffer from Primary Generalised Epilepsy with Complete Tonic Clonic Seizures. The issue is that I only suffer from Seizures if I lose sleep or drink too much and then don't sleep ( I rarely drink to avoid this). I generally get seizures every two years and have been having then since age 15. I want to have children soon but my periods have stopped and I had a very bad seizure in the shower two days ago while shaving my legs. I lacerated my feet, broke my nose and have minor injuries to my clavicle, arms and my ear. I am considering going on medication (lamitril) but am worried about the potential side effects to a fetus and also feel that if I look after my health I won't seize, but I am very worried and don't want to seize again. What do you think? I would really appreciate an opinion


Re: not medicated am I doing the right thing?

Submitted by Chris34 on Fri, 2006-07-21 - 09:51
I have a partial seizure disorder with nocturnal seizures while sleeping. I have been on dilantin, then tegretol, and now Keppra. We were getting married in July of 2005 and knew we wanted a family. I went to my neurologist and he switched me from tegretol to Keppra in the spring of 2005. I know my seizures are different, but I am 6 months pregnant, have had many ultrasounds and everything is good. They will put you on high doses of folic acid as well as prenatal vitamins. See a neurologist and your ob before you do anything, but I think that many woman with epilepsy can have normal pregnancies. Good luck. There are some other threads from pregnant women or women who have had healthy babies. Read them-I hope this helps. Christine

look into your diet, get

Submitted by Kay L on Wed, 2006-08-02 - 10:33
look into your diet, get allergy tested and see if you have any mineral deficienties, ie Magnesium, zinc, calcium, B6, folic acid, as all of these can contribute in fitting. Look at your stress levels, sleep, alcohol levels. Try any of these, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, yoga, meditation, biofeedback, all these things can help! Good luck Kay L

Re: look into your diet, get

Submitted by malibu on Mon, 2006-08-07 - 06:39
Hi Thanks for that. eruditio

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