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Newly Diagnosed and Pregnancy

Mon, 10/18/2004 - 02:58
Hi, my name is Crystal. I'm a 33 year old female recently diagnosed with epilepsy. I've had grand mal and complex partial seizures. I do have an aura. My seizures seem to start with a funny feeling in my right are then my arm starts tingling and jerking. Soon after that the seizure occurs. I have not had a seizure this month. The doctor started me on Dilantin 400mg per day. Dilantin caused me problems such as gaining weight, acne, irritable and no sex drive. My doctor added Keppra 2000mg a day. I am also a newlywed wanting to have a baby. I have read alot of women comment on Lamictal being the drug they were on during pregnancy. I'm so worried, we really want a baby. Any advice out there!!! Please help. :)


RE: Newly Diagnosed and Pregnancy

Submitted by Kim63 on Sun, 2004-08-08 - 11:10
Hi Crystal.  I have had epilepsy since my early 20's (now in my 40's).  I had one child before I was diagnosed.  We desperately wanted another child and contacted a specialist in Madison, WI.  I have been taking Dilantin since I was diagnosed and it was determined that Dilantin was the best drug of choice at the time (I haven't experienced the side effects you describe).  I had regular monthly checks with my neuro and my gynecologist and had my levels checked each time.  It was decided that we would only up the meds if needed.  Throughout the pregnancy my levels stayed constant.  I recommend that you see a doctor who specializes in this.  It can be done.  We now have a beautiful 13 year old daughter.  Best of luck- 

hi Crystal and kim 63 i've

Submitted by kimshiraz on Mon, 2005-09-26 - 06:40
hi Crystal and kim 63 i've had epilepsy since i was 12 and am now 23. i've gone through side effets with drugs of weight gain, fatigue, nasea etc. I'm desperately wanting to have children i've previously been on lamictal and Dilantin which didn't control seizures as well as numerous other AED's. I'm currently on 1000mg keppra (twice a day), i know from the info in the package that i can't breast feeed if i ever become pregnant. i was just wondering if there's anyone who's on keppra who's become pregant. If they know if i'll have lots of probs or if i'll be unable to get pregnant becaus of AED's. Please help

RE: Newly Diagnosed and Pregnancy

Submitted by zoeph on Tue, 2004-08-10 - 14:44


Stanford wanted me on Lamictal, and 4mg (not micrograms, a megadose) of folic acid.  My daughter is 22 months old, and she is a pefect, brilliant chatterbox.  She had fetal heart scans so we know that is perfect.  She loves books and animals and we can't see any signs of the drugs effecting her.

For some reason I had no milk supply and was unable to breastfeed.  So she got formula.


Stanford wanted me on Lamictal, and 4mg (not micrograms, a megadose) of folic acid.  My daughter is 22 months old, and she is a pefect, brilliant chatterbox.  She had fetal heart scans so we know that is perfect.  She loves books and animals and we can't see any signs of the drugs effecting her.

For some reason I had no milk supply and was unable to breastfeed.  So she got formula.

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