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Mom and daughter both have epilepsy

Sun, 05/21/2006 - 08:15
I am relatively new to I am a 33 yr old mom with epilepsy that was diagnosed at age 12. My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with the same seizure pattern this year. I have been trying to find other parents with epilepsy who also have children with epilepsy. If there is anyone out there in this situation let me know. Thanks, Jessica


Re: Mom and daughter both have epilepsy

Submitted by gretchen1 on Thu, 2006-06-08 - 00:10
Hello Jessica and Welcome to I was diagnosed with E as an adult after my son, who was diagnosed as an infant, who is now an adult. Last year a daughter was diagnosed too. Also one of my son's daughters and the first person diagnosed was my father, when I was 17. I'm 57 now. So I raised a child with E, but at the time I didn't know I had it myself. I thought simple partials, jerks, lost time, other things I experienced was some kind of mental health problem I had. I even sought psych testing several times which came out fine. After I was diagnosed in my late 40's I got my pediatric records and found out I'd also been diagnosed at the age of 7, treated for awhile, and I remember that. The white pills, the sensations going away, then coming back when I quit taking the pills. My mother was deceased when I found this out. I so wish I could talk to her abouat it. I felt like I was a person hiding some very very bad oddness in me all of my life. Considering that? I can't say tho I know what it is like to raise a minor child with E as I have it myself. It hasnt'been fun tho even with them being adults. My daughter who was diagnosed last year is still adjusting her medications but is having some hard emotional adjustments to this diagnosis. My main comment to you is I've always wondered how, and admired parents that do have epilepsy, even if their child doesn't. With both of you having it, depending upon partially how frequently you sz and what kinds of sz's you have, I can't imagine how hard that must be. My hat goes off to you. I did have some very hard trials tho with a few of my children's health and I can tell you that you'll learn to make adjustments, accommodations and somehow our children grow up in spite of us. The very fact you're concerned reassures me you'ore seeking answers to hard questions, but you''ll find tho answers too. Good luck. Gretchen

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