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VNS where can I get it done?

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 07:41

I'm from Australia and been researching VNS surgery I have seen a specialist here that told me i'm a perfect candidate but then passed me off to another specialist who I'm waiting to see.

As I know the surgery is performed in America all the time i'm at the stage of wanting to go there to get it I've had epilepsy for 23 years, but over the last couple years I've been having many more seizures then normal and see this as my last option.

I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction I want to make contact with an organisation in America that could perform the surgery.

I would also greatly appreciate if anyone has any idea of the surgery expenses.



Re: VNS where can I get it done?

Submitted by no alleykat on Thu, 2012-08-02 - 14:58
Go to their site. They were able to assist me with all that I needeed. Good luck

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