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Did I just have a seizure?

Wed, 02/14/2018 - 01:12
About me: 26 year old male with no prior history of seizures. I went to lie down shortly after 7:00 PM because I was feeling strange. The best way that I can describe it is that I felt lightheaded, but at the same time it felt nothing like being lightheaded. I went to my bedroom, turned out the light, and lied in my bed. The room was pitch black. A few minutes later, I started seeing blue. It started with flashing blue lights when I closed my eyes; when I opened my eyes, parts of the room were faintly glowing blue. I tried to cover my eyes with my blanket, but it was like a blue wave smacked me in the face. I rolled onto my back and the ceiling was a kaleidoscope of blues. It was all very disorientating. I rolled onto my other side, facing the wall where nothing was glowing, and tried to force myself to sleep, but the room was spinning. Every time I was on the verge of sleep, I was startled awake by animalistic noises - squeaking, snorting, grunting, etc. The last thing I remember before I passed out were a couple violent jerks. One in my neck and another in my left arm. I slept for about an hour and had some very vivid and bizarre dreams. I was confused when I woke up. I remembered that I had been having a conversation with my friend; I grabbed my phone and saw that I told her I was going to lie down just before I did. I have no memory of sending that text. The grogginess cleared up in about 20 minutes or so and I was feeling a lot better. I suspect that I was making the weird noises I heard before falling asleep, but I live alone and have no one to confirm that suspicion. What do y’all think? Does that sound like a seizure? Should I make an appointment to see my doctor?


If you have never had a

Submitted by CrazyMikey on Wed, 2018-02-14 - 20:28
If you have never had a seizure before then you either had a grand mal seizure without the pain but with jerks of the body. Or it could have been a Pseudo Seizure in which you had too much alcohol or drugs usually like many people do by passing out and going into  a pseudo seizure. I started having grand mal seizures when I was 10 and kept on having Epilepsy for the last 23 years. 

Yes, go see your doctor. It

Submitted by toraborealis on Sun, 2018-02-18 - 00:53
Yes, go see your doctor. It could have been a seizure, but only your doctor can determine that. 

I think it could definitely

Submitted by Daylee on Sun, 2018-02-18 - 11:02
I think it could definitely be a seizure.  But it could be something else.I'm 26 with no early history of seizures but somehow developed idiopathic epilepsy this year, so you never know.

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