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HELP NEW Depakote and tonic seizures

Sun, 09/14/2008 - 13:01

Hi I am new to all of this..My son who is 11 years old was just diagnosed with tonic seizures this past tuesday..He was put on 375 mg of depakote and he is also taking 50 mg of lamictial which they are weaning him from......How long does it usually take depakote to take effect...Is this a average  dose for kids ??  He weighs 70 pounds......

Any info on Depakote would be helpful... 

Any one else have tonic seizures ??  if so what works for you ??



Re: HELP NEW Depakote and tonic seizures

Submitted by concernedparent on Sun, 2008-10-05 - 03:58
Depakote is weight based and can be administered up to a total of 60 mg/kg/day in divided doses. It takes 2-4 days to maintain a steady state in the blood stream. People have reported that they see a difference in seizure activity in the first 3-6 months. However, every child is different and can respond to differing doses. Please be mindful that though MD's will likely not admit it...Depakote can cause behavioral problems so watch for any reaction to the med closely. Good Luck.

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