Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Parents & Caregivers

My 10-year-old daughter with epilepsy

03/2007 | 19 Comments

I am new here. My daughter had her first seizure at 6 yrs. She had a grand mal or tonic-clonic seizure. Seven months later she had another seizure and...
disability benefits for kids with Epilepsy

03/2007 | 10 Comments

Does anyone know of disability benefits for kids with Epilepsy? Our daughter has fallen soooooooooooooooooo far behind in her algebra that she'll have...
has anyone have a case like this?

03/2007 | 6 Comments

my baby is almost 2 months now,since she was 4 days old when she's asleep her hands and legs days goes by it becomes stronger and longer in...

03/2007 | 8 Comments

I have a soon to be 9 year old who has had seizures since she was an infant. I have always been very neurotic when it comes to swimming. When she was...
Discontrol events

03/2007 | 0 Comments

Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it with their epileptic child?
24hr Video EEG

03/2007 | 1 Comments

Hi Everyone I just was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to bring to the hospital for a 24hr Video EEG? My daughter is 11 months and I...
Laughing Seizures?

03/2007 | 4 Comments

My daughter is almost 3 and is having what I think may be seizures. She will arch her back, make fists with both her hands and laugh (sometimes grunt...
What to do?

03/2007 | 1 Comments

My son started having seizures in September 2005. After his fourth seizure episode in April 2006 he was put on Trileptal. He has been seizure free...
side effects of meds-5yr old

03/2007 | 7 Comments

I am new to this part of My son who is 5 1/2 has complex partial seizures taht were diagnosed about a year and a half ago. we stated on...
Need advise

02/2007 | 3 Comments

Hi! My 12 yr daughter has E since Aug 06. She has had a total of 9 gran mal which 5 of them were daily for a week. Anyway, I know 9 gran mal isn't...

02/2007 | 2 Comments

Carter just started Felbotal and last night was hell. He was up till 3:30AM. He would not go to sleep and then he started slapping at his ear. I didnt...
Questions about infant epilepsy??

02/2007 | 6 Comments

Hi I am new to this site and just have a few questions. I am bringing my 10 1/2 month old identical girls to a pediatric neurologist on Thursday and...
new to the site

02/2007 | 2 Comments

my daughter liv is almost 13 now, but started to have seizures around the age of 9.. She only has them when shes asleep she has had grand mal seizures...
Vitamin B6

02/2007 | 1 Comments

Hi all! I am starting India on Vitamin B6 for her behavior problems. I'm told that it really helps with the emotional problems and autistic-like...
Long term side effects of Depakote

02/2007 | 12 Comments

My son (7 yrs.) has been off Depakote since November. We feel blessed that he has been siezure free for over 2 years now. According to our neuro his...
New meds

02/2007 | 3 Comments

Hello my son Carter is 19 months old and is switching meds. He is know on zonegran and is switching to felbatol does anyone know any information on...
Doctors in SW Missouri

02/2007 | 0 Comments

I'm just interested to know if any of you are from SW Missouri and might now where I could find a good psychologist and nuero closer than St. Louis...
Emory or Lake Forest info?

02/2007 | 3 Comments

I live in Northwest Fl. I’m ready to explore options for treatment for my 16 year old daughter who is currently under Dr. care in Northwest Fl. My...

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