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Temporal lobe surgery

Mon, 01/29/2007 - 19:31
This is my first visit to this site and I have a lot of qestions. I have been having absence siezures for 1 year and 4 months now. I have been through a lot of meds and none seem to work. I have had a couple of grand mal. Today my dr said that just about the only thing left is surgery. Its my right frontal lobe or temporal lobe. Does anyone have any advise


Hi tm, I'm no physician,

Submitted by solis on Mon, 2007-01-29 - 21:35
Hi tm, I'm no physician, just somone whp has had E for a very long time & who had TL surgery in Jan 2006. 1) Absence seizures are generalized seizures ie.the entire bain is involved. 2) Surgery is only capable of 'possibly' eradicating partial E (simple, complex, and generalized partial seizures) & even there there is only a 60-70% chance of success. Frontal lobectomy Temporal lobectomy Unless there is 'possible' hope, (ie your seizures are temporal), I wouldn't advise anyone to undergo the very real risks associated with surgery. You did mention it's the right frontal/temporal lobe. No one with absence would have that pointed conclusion, & the closest to absence is likely simple partial E. Hope that helps, ~sol

Re: Temporal lobe surgery

Submitted by tm on Tue, 2007-01-30 - 08:09
Thankyou for that info. Im not positive what kind of siezures I have. They have been called all of the ones you mentioned. Yesterday when they told me I should have the surgery he was calling them partial complex siezures. Fom the tests that I have already had I have been told that its in my right frontal lobe. I've been to so many doctors I dont know whats goin on anymore. All I know is there about to cut my head open and my daughters and I are very scared.

Hi tm, Shhhh.... no worries

Submitted by solis on Tue, 2007-01-30 - 22:48
Hi tm, Shhhh.... no worries allowed :) Don't be scared. Unlike many; you are fortunate to have the chance ,of possibly eradicating E, that surgery offers. There is a discussion thread called 'Surgery Issues' &, if you read it, you'll likely discover many here have also been where you are now emotionally. (Knowledge nixes fear, so I hope you see my logic) Take care & know I wish you well ~sol PS..welcome to the site :)

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