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Seizure or Threshold Consciousness

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 17:06
Last night, I remember trying to wake myself from a nightmare (I am pretty good at lucid dreaming), but it quickly turned into what I thought might be a seizure. I saw a bunch of swirling colors and lights (with my eyes still closed, but was conscious/awake). When my eyes opened, I felt a surge of electrical type waves releasing rhythmically in my brain and my whole upper body was convulsing. The whole experience lasted around 10 seconds, maybe even less, but it scared me nonetheless. I gained full consciousness and immediately had a panic attack, and my left side of my brain hurt and felt 'fuzzy' the rest of the day. My doctor said it was just my neurotransmitters firing off between a state of awake and sleep that I experienced, and that she didn't "THINK" it was a seizure, but I'm not convinced. The involuntary brain/upper body convulsions just don't sound like Hypnagogia to me. I am extremely frightened still to the point of going into panics before bedtime.

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