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my story

Fri, 07/06/2018 - 17:48
I am not looking for a diagnosis but more a bit of advice from people more knowledgable. I am in my mid 30's. I was under a lot of stress from January until august 2016. By the end of 2016 I had full control of my life and was in the best place I had been in a long time. In September of that year I developed a twitch in my eyes. Its like I need to move the muscles and one eye is fully shut for split second, but this will be repeated over and over again. When its bad my mouth and nose also twitches. It is mainly right sided. I don't always notice it, however my colleagues, friends and family tell me I do it daily but agree its more noticable some days rather than others. I attended a neurologist about this. This was my only symptom at that time. I was sent for an MRI which showed no abnormalities. It was put down to a genetic family twitch (cant remember the actual diagnosis). I think caffine and lack of sleep makes it worse. I was on Citalopram at this time, which I had been on for pretty much 4 years due to post-natal depression and PMT. I stopped this about 7-8 months ago as I am back to myself. Contraceptive pills have never agreed with me, previously I have been on Microgynon (I had PMT 24/7), Cerezette (Migranes for the first time in my life). In May 2018, I attended a family wedding. My twitch was really bad on this day. On the same day was the first day of my menstrual cycle, I started a contraceptive pill, Rivegedon. At the wedding I had approximately 5 alcoholic drinks. This isnt alot for me on a night out, I was merry (not drunk) and I woke up without a hangover. I chilled most of the followng day. By about 2pm I felt really sick and 'shaky' inside. I says to my partner a few times throughout the day but just thought it was a bug of some kind. I started worrying about things, like Im a terrible mum (I know im a good mum) or that my partner was going to leave me (he has never shown any indication of this and I feel very secure and supported by him). At 10pm we went to bed. I vomitted. I ate a bannana but cant remember if that was before or after I vomitted. I was lying in bed thinking I was going to die and something was really wrong with me. The ext thing I know I was seizuring. My partner was woken up by me flopping around the bed and ha described it as a 'fish out of water'. I can remember begging him to take me to hospital and him trying to reassure me (my 2 young kids were in bed). I walked downstairs although he described me as being dazed and speech slowed and laboured. I continued to seizure on and off lasting about 10-30 seconds each. When I got to hospital, I seizured in the waiting room. They told us I was a bit dehydrated, my folate levels were slightly raised indicating seizure activity. I can remeber having limited strength in my legs to push against the doctor. For the new few days my legs and arms would jerk. My cousin, who seen me before and after hospital thought I was drunk until she seen me after that and knew I was completely sober. I stopped the contraceptive pill immediately. I was pretty much fine the rest of the month. Approximately 3 weeks later I was on holiday and took one Norithisterone tablet (to delay my period), the following day I felt shaky so stopped this. On my next period, I was in work and started feeling strange and sick in the stomach. I thought it was similar to what had happened before and was really concious that if I had to seizure, it did not happen infront of my young kids as this would be really scary for them (i am their world). After putting them to bed, I went to bed. My body started jerking - I was aware of this. I can only describe it as me repeatedly fighting it as to not seizure as was home alone with my kids. I would say it only lasted about 20 seconds. But I was aware of what happened. The next day I was doing clumsy mistakes in work, my child asked me why I said something (can remember what it was, but it rhymed with what I was trying to say, if that makes sense). A collegue in work walked by me and said 'hi'. It didnt register with me for about 5 minutes, and when I apologised later in day, he said its fine, my eyes were in another world. The neurologist has sent me for a repeat MRI. She advised me that it would look at a different area from my previous MRI. I have also recently had an EEG. This again was on the second day of my period. During the hyperventilation test I got pins and needles in my legs and slight pain in the right side of my back but nothing of any significance. When they flashed the lights, I got the sick feeling in my stomach and felt like I was going to cry. My twitch got bad, mainly on the right side. I could feel my right arm going to jerk, and was trying to resist. The physician told me not to fight it, but I feel like I should have control over it as I have an awareness if that makes sense. I did do a lot of 'jerking about' on the right side apparently. My partner told me it was only when my eyes were closed with the flashing lights. Part of me wonders if its psuedoseizures. But i am not an anxious person, I have no history of trauma, I have had no head injury and Im pretty healthy in all other ways. This has been a recent change that came on all of a sudden, and i am worried due to my lack of knowledge and understanding and was hoping someone could give me any information or if they have had a similar experience. I know you cannot give diagnosis' but I am fearful of the unknown. I really hope I have not offended anyone.


Hi, I have epilepsy. It was

Submitted by Squirrel_59f00ac78353b on Wed, 2018-07-25 - 07:56
Hi, I have epilepsy. It was diagnosed when I was 18 I am now 53. I don't know a lot about epilepsy. I  suggest that you write all your questions down on paper and ask your neurologist. I have been going on all of the Epilepsy websites - one of them was this one. I have got a lot of information from them. But I would write all your questions down. I do know that MRIs do not show up that you have had seizures. I know that from Neurologists on the internet. I have had 1 MRIs and 3 EEGs and when the light was on and my eyes closed I could feel myself twitch and jerk like you. Your neurologist will know all about it. She will have asked you all about what is happening to you and if you were tired. If she hasn't I am surprised about this. Tell here everything that has happened and perhaps copy this and paste it into a document and print it out. You have provided a lot of information for your neurologist. I hope this helps. Debbie, not sure it is Squirrel as I signed onto this website a long time ago. 

Also, I haven't had any head

Submitted by Squirrel_59f00ac78353b on Wed, 2018-07-25 - 08:05
Also, I haven't had any head trauma.  I am not an anxious person either. Quite the reverse. It could be in your family but way back. It has been know to skip a generation.

Hi, I have epilepsy. It was

Submitted by Squirrel_59f00ac78353b on Wed, 2018-07-25 - 08:05
Hi, I have epilepsy. It was diagnosed when I was 18 I am now 53. I don't know a lot about epilepsy. I  suggest that you write all your questions down on paper and ask your neurologist. I have been going on all of the Epilepsy websites - one of them was this one. I have got a lot of information from them. But I would write all your questions down. I do know that MRIs do not show up that you have had seizures. I know that from Neurologists on the internet. I have had 1 MRIs and 3 EEGs and when the light was on and my eyes closed I could feel myself twitch and jerk like you. Your neurologist will know all about it. She will have asked you all about what is happening to you and if you were tired. If she hasn't I am surprised about this. Tell here everything that has happened and perhaps copy this and paste it into a document and print it out. You have provided a lot of information for your neurologist. I hope this helps. Debbie, not sure it is Squirrel as I signed onto this website a long time ago. 

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