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Tue, 03/19/2019 - 22:32
Hello, I am so glad I found this forum. A few months ago I tripped and fell back hitting my head on solid cement very hard. I was told that I had a concussion but after several months I was not feeling better. I was referred to a neurologist who sent me for mri and eeg. MRI came back fine but eeg was abnormal. Neurologist sent me for sleep deprived eeg which also came back abnormal. I was Wondering if anyone can tell me what a left-sided neuronal dysfunction is, or left posterior dysfunction? My symptoms include: Major headaches that seem to never go away. Pressure in my head. Memory loss Confusion The feeling of not being here if that makes sense. I keep getting these staring moments, I know what is going on around me but I am in a daze 9 more days until I see the epilepsy doctor. Thanks for reading


I'm not sure what neuronal

Submitted by birdman on Wed, 2019-03-20 - 13:20
I'm not sure what neuronal dysfunction is or posterior dysfunction is but the fact that it is on the left is probably indicative that it could be effecting memory.  If you are right handed the area in your brain that manages speech & language is probably in the left temporal lobe.  The headaches you have are probably on the left too.  The good news is that many of the medications that work to control seizures also work to control headaches.  I hope your doctor visit goes well,Mike

Hey there, not a medical

Submitted by Believer_59cd4d81a99cf on Fri, 2019-03-22 - 15:45
Hey there, not a medical professional, but what I do know is that the cells that make up our nervous system, including in our brain, are called neurons. Neuronal dysfunction means these neurons aren't working right. That's why the MRI can look fine but the EEG would come back abnormal--something on the cellular level isn't working right, and your brain can't communicate everything the way it needs to. Hopefully this appt will give you more information about how to control and/or treat your symptoms. Best of luck!B

<a href=https://www

Submitted by xiaoha on Mon, 2019-04-01 - 09:32
<a href=> </a>

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