Community Forum Archive

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5 yrs son seizure weekly once

Fri, 09/07/2018 - 11:43
Hi My son is 5 years age.He had 4 seizure seizure for last 1years. Then we went to doctor (paediotrics nuro), we take eeg and blood test. everyting is looking normal. he suggested to have Sodium valproate 5MG morning and evening after food. So we have followed the same. But But suddenly frequency increased to weekly once but less duration(1 mins) seizure. it is looking like Atonic seizure. please share ur observation/suggestion on this


As a teenager I took Depakote

Submitted by birdman on Sun, 2018-09-09 - 20:27
As a teenager I took Depakote (divalproex sodium) which is very similar to Sodium valproate. It worked for my generalized seizures (grand mals) for several weeks.  Then I had a couple more seizures and the doctor increased the dose and it worked for many more weeks; I was glad to have finally found something that worked.  Then the seizures came on again and my dose was increased....  This is called Drug tolerance: a pharmacological concept describing subjects' reduced reaction to a drug following its repeated use. Maybe your son is experiencing drug tolerance.  But it could very well be just the fact that he is still growing very much, metabolism is changing,  and his increased size will demand more medication to get proper control.  Seizures can also change as a person matures and the brain develops.  I went through many changes in seizures and medications from early childhood into my teens.  My greatest wish is that mom and I would have kept track of every seizure I experienced and medication I tried during that time; it would have been helpful information in the following years as doctor after doctor questioned us about each drug tried and its effects. Hopefully a medication that works comfortably will be found for your son and maybe even he will one day no longer need meds for controlling seizures.  But if he does become one of the 25% or so who do not get control from medications there are other options some of which may involve surgery.  Then a list of meds tried and their effects will come in very handy.

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