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Epileptiform Discharges -- Does this confirm epilepsy diagnosis?

Sun, 12/11/2016 - 00:34
Dear All, I have posted here once before under the Title "Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis." Anyway, I was admitted to the hospital from 12/7-12/9 of this year for seizure monitoring, MRI scans etc. I had NO seizures while in the hospital, but my WONDERFUL neurologist, who has been treating me magnicently and improving my condition every day, told me That she saw Epileptiform Discharges in my left Temporal lobe. I have now had a couple of seizures, though none were infront of a dr. I was fortunate enough that friends captured one on their iPhone and I was able to take it and show my neurologist. Other than two tonic-clonic seizures, ALL of my seizures have been described as Temporal Lobe seizures and the only seem to affect the RIGHT side of my body. My neurologist confirmed that TLE in the left side of the brain will affect the right side of the body. Anyway, what are epileptiform Discharges? Do they categorically confirm a diagnosis of epilepsy? Do non epileptics have epileptiform discharges? What do they mean?


I am also very scared about

Submitted by Marjoriearment on Thu, 2017-03-02 - 20:43
I am also very scared about the effect on my intelligence. I feel SO dumb. I am not myself at all after my seizures and I do not know what to do to be myself again. 

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