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Mon, 03/31/2014 - 21:40

I was prescribed 150mg of lamictal per day, but I have accidentally taken another 75 mg (2 hours after taken my last lot). Am I in any danger?

Please reply asap as I don't know what to do!



I understand your panic; been

Submitted by Masterjen on Tue, 2014-04-01 - 00:02
I understand your panic; been there. Call your pharmacist and get his/her advice. Failing that, go to the ER and explain what happened. Chances are you will be just fine but play it safe. I think the risk of rash is the biggest concern.

I had the same experience,

Submitted by on Tue, 2014-04-01 - 03:15
I had the same experience, took a double dose of limital, I as quite scared, I was in my car, parked and began having double vision. I waited and after a while drove home amid got into bed until it passed. I did not die. Once taking an increase of Vimpat I was in the shower and theworld began to spin. I am lucky I didn't fall. I got back Into bed and waited for it to pass and then called my neurologist

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