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ONFI aka Clobazam Increasing Seizures

Wed, 11/28/2018 - 20:27
I live with generalized grand mal seizures and usually go 1-2 years without a single episode. The seizures I have are usually caused by over exerting myself physically (power walk, jog, work-out etc), eating too much sugar or by other medicine that has lowered my therapeutic levels of 1 or more of my AED's. I take Keppra (am/pm), Lamictal (am/pm) and Onfi (10mg at night only - no side effects). My last seizure was on Halloween and it was from over exertion. We got caught out in a horrible storm with heavy winds and struggled to get home, which was a mile away. As soon as we got to the house I knew I was in trouble. I was light headed, felt like I was going to collapse and had an awful falling sensation. It wasn't but 10 minutes later that I had a seizure. It was small, but it was STILL a seizure. The next day I called my neurologist and he increased my Onfi from 10mg to 30mg. Within the next 2 weeks I had 2 more seizures, which is a frequency 10x my norm over the past decade. The seizure at Halloween I can understand (I say that lightly), but the other 2 were unprovoked. One of them was bad enough my husband didn't think I would come through. I knew something was terribly wrong. That's when I started to figure out what had Onfi was increased. I spoke to my doctor and he wanted to increase Onfi AGAIN. I informed him about when the unprovoked seizures began and he is bringing me back down to 10mg. I start my decrease tonight. Has anyone experienced a frequency in seizure activity from an increase in Onfi aka Clobazam? Heather

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