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how do you "tolerate" drug side effects and other random venting

Tue, 05/17/2005 - 12:19
Now I've read( but don't believe it) that the side effects of AED's are only "short-lasting"  and should diminish within weeks or months. but the common stuff that people get when they start them..the dizziness, the fatigue, the blurred vision, that kind of on earth are u supposed 2 deal with this stuff, even if it don't supposedly last long...? i don't know that I can..I know 4 sure there are people on here that are very active on here, i want to know how they dealt with this stuff. And how is a competitive endurance athlete supposed to "tolerate" feeling like crap for weeks or possibly months on end...? I am not "stopping" with my lifestyle, i ain't giving up my running, it makes me happy and trim LOL, and I feel the need to compete. I don't know how on earth people in my shoes faced with this actually can be physically able to maintain the athleticness they had before when they miss workouts here and there because of just not feeling well sometimes. I hear people say that epilepsy will only stop u if i let it...but when you are stumbling around like an Irishman on St. Paddy's day and feel like everything is spinning and twitching here and tingling there, it obviously DOES stop you because it's not really physically possible to take a 15 mile run in that state. When your dream your entire life is to be an Olympian, and your brain is preventing that, your life will become a living hell. And honestly, right now, my life IS a living hell and it's because of this defective mass sitting in my head. that made me feel somewhat better LOL.


RE: how do you "tolerate" drug side effects and other random ven

Submitted by angel_lts on Wed, 2005-05-18 - 08:39
That is so untrue. I have had side effects all my life with my meds, 36 damn years.There is nothing you can to do about it. The most you can do is change meds which sometimes is a bad choice for some of us. ANd to go off of meds is not safe. I try to pick the med that has the least side effects and the most recent drugs has the least side effects. Also if it is at all possible try to take only one type of drug. For the helps. But I know that is not always possible. Each drug that you take have to get along with each other and that is hard and causes more side effects.Hang in there it can be done. Just keep your chin up. Check out my story in files in Lisa's story in my support group.I have gotten done to one drug finally. I feel better than I have in my life. I am down to one seizure every other month. Started at 25 a month and 234 auras a month. It can be done. lisa

RE: how do you "tolerate" drug side effects and other random ven

Submitted by valhdz on Wed, 2005-05-18 - 08:59
I'm the same as you , i won't give up my marathons because of side effects. It's up to you to fight back and be strong , just like with running. I suggest walking , i know what on earth are you talking about , but it helps with getting your balance back in case you get lite headed or dizzy. I took a dive once already while running a half marathon last year here in Dallas. We are all different when it comes to side effects, some get it and some don't and you and i happened to be the ones to get them , stay calm , breath in and out and slow down if you are running outside.

RE: how do you "tolerate" drug side effects and other random ven

Submitted by FILLY150 on Wed, 2005-05-18 - 10:16

Dear Avid Runner,

                               I was diagnosed with Epilepsy at 37, and I have been a triathlete for years.  Keep up with your exercise if you can.  It will help your body process the meds better.  I am down to one drug, Lamictal.  The side effects are minimal, and it doesn't seem to effect my race performance.  In fact, I qualified for the National Championships last year.  I did have to start slow and gradually build myself up again on the exercise.  I also have to take extra medication the day after a race since all the sweating and extra hydration can cause your body to filter out the meds quicker.  If the dizziness is causing a problem right now, try swimming.   It is less noticeable in the pool, and there is a lifeguard right there in case anything happens.  I haven't gone back to the really long races at this point, but I'm happy that I can still race.


Dear Avid Runner,

                               I was diagnosed with Epilepsy at 37, and I have been a triathlete for years.  Keep up with your exercise if you can.  It will help your body process the meds better.  I am down to one drug, Lamictal.  The side effects are minimal, and it doesn't seem to effect my race performance.  In fact, I qualified for the National Championships last year.  I did have to start slow and gradually build myself up again on the exercise.  I also have to take extra medication the day after a race since all the sweating and extra hydration can cause your body to filter out the meds quicker.  If the dizziness is causing a problem right now, try swimming.   It is less noticeable in the pool, and there is a lifeguard right there in case anything happens.  I haven't gone back to the really long races at this point, but I'm happy that I can still race.


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