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Thu, 05/03/2018 - 17:34
After trying so many different meds, tonight I will beginning my week of winging off topamax (dopamax) and going onto brivact, any input is greatly appreciated...I so want this one to work, this has been such a long struggle of one med after another


Hi there Darenda,I hope all

Submitted by RacerX35 on Fri, 2018-06-15 - 15:50
Hi there Darenda,I hope all is well with you and the Briviact.  I have been on Briviact since January when they prescribed it to me after my VEEG.  I have preetty much been seizure free since then, but they started me off at max dose of 200mg. daily.  My other two meds I am maxed out on as well, so it's hard to say what is going on.  I am also being scheduled for a total of three surgeries this year.  One SEEG implanting and then the removal and finally another resection for me.Later,Racer

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