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4,000mg Keppra

Mon, 12/10/2018 - 18:28
I am 23 and have partial complex seizures about 4-5 days a week and am currently controlling them with Zonisamide, Vimpat, Phenobarbital and Keppra. While I'm reading these forums, I see very low doses of these medications. I would obviously not like to stay on these medications forever and like to think a wean schedule is possible eventually, but I am currently on 2,000mg of Keppra twice a day. I just wanted to know if anyone else was on this high of a dose/had any issues.


I was placed on, I believe,

Submitted by Dianne K on Mon, 2018-12-10 - 20:14
I was placed on, I believe, 2000 mg of Keppra 2 x a day a few years ago but didn't take any other meds along with that amount of Keppra. I don't remember trying any other the other meds that you mentioned either and didn't get relief from thousands of seizures until a major surgery in May of 2017.

I'm on 150mg vimpat, 200mg

Submitted by Marissa Oakley on Tue, 2018-12-11 - 21:53
I'm on 150mg vimpat, 200mg zonisamide, 48.6mg pheno and 2,000mg keppra - all of these twice a day. i've been taking these medications for 4 years. i understand everyone's different. i've just been seeing very low doses on here and didn't know how normal it was for me to be on this much keppra, let alone this many medications. 

each person is different

Submitted by just_joe on Thu, 2018-12-13 - 15:04
each person is different therefore the amount o medication they tack can vary. Oh and I have always needed higher dosages then most people take. If your doses ate 2 ties a day please make sure the doses re as close to 12 hours apart. That way it keeps the therapeutic levels where they need to be in order to stop break thru seizures. Also if your dosage hasn't changed in some time then discuss your issue with your neurologist, They may want to change your meds to newer meds with fewer side effects. Also understand that to much medication s jut as bad as to little medication

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