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seizures and mood problems

Sat, 01/08/2005 - 09:52
Hi I'm new here we have a 8yr. boy who last april had a seizure in his sleep. later he had a eeg done it showed he had alot of miss firing of the brian. Befor all that he has been being treated and testing for adhd and put on adderall xr but it mkes him more moody he was always moody crabby can be mean can not read or write will but good at math. Has a iep at school that helps. since his seizure they put him on keppre and that was very bad for him it made his moods alful so his doc put on lamictal it has been good no other seizures had a 2nd eeg in th summer his brain was firing better his moody has gotten better not so hyper we were able to cut down on the adderall xr his pdoc thinks he mite be bipolar not adhd becuse the lamictal help him so much or it is from his miss firing of his brain. Has this happen to anyone ? It would be nice to hear from other people. Thank you


RE: seizures and mood problems

Submitted by aw14187 on Fri, 2005-01-07 - 09:05
Welcome. I am the mother of a 15 year old. It's good to hear that the seizure disorder was recognized early. So he can have treatments. My son's partial complex seizures were misdiagnosed by his pediatrician. She thought he was having panick attacks. It took 2 more years, and a visit to a psychiatrist to find out he was having seizures. We have also delt with ADHD issues. That was diagnosed early. We have always had a difficult time with him in school. He is a very bright boy but he has trouble in school. The first six months he was on meds, the seizures were very controlled. After he turned 12, we have not been able to control the seizures although, now at 15 the seizure frequency has decreased. Good luck.

Re: RE: seizures and mood problems

Submitted by Holly Sox on Sun, 2007-01-07 - 21:30
It's interesting that your son's seizure frequency has decreased at age 15. My son's are getting worse and worse. His partial complexes were misdiagnosed as well. He was dx with ADHD and depression, and evaluated for bipolar d/o. So far, no medication has given us control of his seizures for more than a month or 2. He is very easily frustrated and has had mood issues since the same time that the seizures started. Phenobarbital made him an absolute demon. Depakote made him psychotic. (He was telling people that we worked for a secret government agency and that he wasn't allowed to tell anyone what we did at our house) I was very concerned about the Keppra, because irritability and mood swings is a common side effect, but I really haven't noticed much of a change. It's really frustrating, too, trying to figure out what's just normal teenage hormonal craziness, what's from the seizures, what's from the meds. Hopefully, we will be finding some answers soon. Holly

RE: seizures and mood problems

Submitted by wyomom2boys on Sat, 2005-01-08 - 09:52

HI! My 5-year old son was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy almost a year ago.  We think he had been having seizures for close to two years before we realized what was going on.  Before we started any meds his behavior was out of control - his neurologist told us that was due in large to the "misfirings".  He was always so frustrated and angry.  He took Tegretol for 7 months which worked for awhile.  We have sinced switched to Lamictal and so far so good.  Since starting Kindergarten this year we have noticed a variety of behaviors characteristic of ADHD (OCD, ODD)  and has also started taking Adderall - a very low dose at this time.  However we have noticed a dramatic improvement already.  He used to be sent out of the room at least once a day because he couldn't do his work in the classroom or was constantly disrupting the group.  Last week he wasn't sent out once.  He still has "meltdowns" occassionaly but nothing like before!  Our neurologist also told us that many of these "disorders" are closely related, ADHD, OCD, ODD, etc and seizure disorders.  I am just glad we have been able to help him before his behavior got worse.


HI! My 5-year old son was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy almost a year ago.  We think he had been having seizures for close to two years before we realized what was going on.  Before we started any meds his behavior was out of control - his neurologist told us that was due in large to the "misfirings".  He was always so frustrated and angry.  He took Tegretol for 7 months which worked for awhile.  We have sinced switched to Lamictal and so far so good.  Since starting Kindergarten this year we have noticed a variety of behaviors characteristic of ADHD (OCD, ODD)  and has also started taking Adderall - a very low dose at this time.  However we have noticed a dramatic improvement already.  He used to be sent out of the room at least once a day because he couldn't do his work in the classroom or was constantly disrupting the group.  Last week he wasn't sent out once.  He still has "meltdowns" occassionaly but nothing like before!  Our neurologist also told us that many of these "disorders" are closely related, ADHD, OCD, ODD, etc and seizure disorders.  I am just glad we have been able to help him before his behavior got worse.


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