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Immune system

Mon, 04/04/2005 - 07:16
Some of the posts that I have seen describe worsening seizure activity when the person with E has a cold. I wonder about E and the immune system.My son had an ELISA test (and invitro allergy test with blood samples). His immune system is not working the way it should be. Instead of showing that he does have allergies (that his white blood cells are increased), the test shows that he does not have any reaction, (or that his white blood cells are decreased).I do not know what this means except that we were asked if he gets alot of colds...He doesn't get more colds than anyone else in the family, but he is at a higher risk of seizure activity when he is sick. What does this mean?Has anyone else had a similar ELISA test result?


RE: Immune system

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2005-04-04 - 07:16
Well when our body is sick or just nor feeling well, we are more at risk to having seizures. It sounds like he is more immune to colds. My children take vit c all the time it helps with colds and to prevent them.

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