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Abdominal Pain

Thu, 07/12/2007 - 13:36
My daughter, who is now 10 was diagnosed several years ago with JME. She is also ADHD, currently untreated with medication. My concern is about the stomach aches she continually has. She currently takes Depakote and Topomax. We have tried Prevacid and no relief. She misses school fairly regulary because of this. I noticed some of you have had similar situations. Has anyone found out why there are stomach issues while on these types of medications? The doctor thinks she has a "nervous stomach".


Unless your daughter's

Submitted by solis on Thu, 2007-07-12 - 18:09
Unless your daughter's specialist is an epileptologist (focuses directly on epilepsy)they may not know that a 'possible'side effect of Depakote is an upset stomach. Best wishes to you both.

Re: Abdominal Pain

Submitted by NoEsFacil on Tue, 2007-07-24 - 11:37
HI there, My daughter (11) is also taking Depakote (Sprinkles 625 mg daily) and has a constant upset tummy. This is her 5th med since March. She has lost about 10 lbs and has no interest in eating. Meal times are a struggle, but we are working on it daily. She is taking a multivitamin and protein shakes. We ar ein close contact with her Neuro and we are going to see if she can tolerate the meds a little longer as she has not had a sezure in over three weeks. This is very difficult and I am always worried that I am doing the wrong thing for her. I wish there was a wonder drug. My suggestion if you haven't already tried this, is to have smaller more frequent meals, try the protein shakes from the health food store and get her on a multivitamin with selenium. Best wishes, d I'm Molly's Mom and Proud of It!

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