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Yoga and Epilepsy

Sun, 10/19/2008 - 20:15

Hi. Well let me begin by telling you a little about my experience with Epilepsy. It all began during my infant/toddler years when I had a countless number of seizures during those years. The doctor informed my parents when my seizures had stopped that it wouldnt affect me later on in life but unfortunately it did and at age 16, I had my first grandmal seizure. Two weeks following I had my second one. My neurologist believed it was due to stress because the year before, I watched my mom and grandmother go through cancer and one month prior my best friend passed away. Anyways, I was put on Tegretrol and for five years i was doing very well until one day I got a headache that wouldnt go away, which would result in double vision every day also. My neuro changed my meds more times in one year than i care to count, i was like a guineau pig to him and after one year of having headaches and double vision almost every day, I had a partial seizure. My doctor realized i was on to much medications, so I was taken off lamictal and my meds ended up being carbratrol and topamax. Since being diagnosed with Epilepsy eight years ago, I have had problems with many of my joints. For example, my neck, back and ankles. Does anyone else experience problems like this? I am looking to begin Yoga to help relieve the problems i have in my joints and help with stress. However, I am looking to do Yoga in my area Albany, NY but havent been able to find any places, anyone have any suggestion? Thank you.

Hope everyone is well :)



Re: Yoga and Epilepsy

Submitted by xgi on Sun, 2008-10-19 - 23:02

Hi Jenn I'm xgi aka Marty from Mich. I do yoga and pilaties sp? both. Both will help you with joint and stress. You could also try some cardio for stress. I like to ride bike although it's getting a bit cold. During the summer I log some days 75 miles or more a day. Start out slow or just get a stationary bike and ride in your home.

My wife likes her elliptical trainer. She puts on her headphones and takes right off. If you want try just walking. Any excersise you do releases endorpins which is good for your stress. You can also just start stretching your body on the floor every night. Do it before bed and after you rise from bed. It a hard habit to get into but it has really made me flexible. I can stretch farther than any of my grandkids LOL.

For a place for yoga classes check with your local ywca or if you have any gyms in the area.

          Good luck and take care..x

Hi Jenn I'm xgi aka Marty from Mich. I do yoga and pilaties sp? both. Both will help you with joint and stress. You could also try some cardio for stress. I like to ride bike although it's getting a bit cold. During the summer I log some days 75 miles or more a day. Start out slow or just get a stationary bike and ride in your home.

My wife likes her elliptical trainer. She puts on her headphones and takes right off. If you want try just walking. Any excersise you do releases endorpins which is good for your stress. You can also just start stretching your body on the floor every night. Do it before bed and after you rise from bed. It a hard habit to get into but it has really made me flexible. I can stretch farther than any of my grandkids LOL.

For a place for yoga classes check with your local ywca or if you have any gyms in the area.

          Good luck and take care..x

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