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Uncontrolled Seizures

Mon, 10/08/2018 - 22:45
I have just been diagnosed with intractable seizures after having epilepsy surgery five years ago. It's in two parts on my brain. I just wanted to get some advice on what to expect.


Well I have had epilepsy for

Submitted by on Thu, 2018-10-11 - 10:39
Well I have had epilepsy for 21 years and had countless different medications which up to now have not worked .However I have never had surgery and I doubt I would ever be prepared to have it so I don't really know what you can expect .One things for sure and that is epilepsy has different affects on different people whether they are just on medication or have surgery .

Intractable epilepsy has

Submitted by just_joe on Fri, 2018-10-12 - 13:17
Intractable epilepsy has several different names. It can also be uncontrolled epilepsy or drug resstant epilepsy. If you have been treated with 2 appropriate anti-seizure mediations they will say you have intractable epilepsy. My epilepsy is considered ontrolled but I still have a seizure avery 5-14 days. My seizures today are nothing like those I had earlier n my life. I cn have  a seizure right infront of you and you wouldn't know about it. Work with your neurologist and you and Doc might get your seizures down to where mine are. Mine only last a few seconds.I hope this helpsJoe

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