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Seizure Breakthroughs?

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 10:47
I am currently on Tegrtol XR and an IUD with progesterone (which is what really controls my sz). It's been good for about two years now. Previously my sz were very frequent and quite intense. I'd have clusters of simple partials that would become complex partials and sometimes lead to more convulsive ones and this occurred several times a week. Point is, for two years it's been ok but now I am starting to have these weird sz every month or two. They are similar to the old ones but they aren't...escalating, so to speak, into more convulsive episodes. I start out feeling like something isn't right- like I am not sitting in space correctly and somewhat detached. It takes alot of concentration to focus on conversation and things around me. My husband tells me I start talking slower, my head it bobbing around and twitching, and I feel distant from everything but still very conscious. Besides this I feel quite normal- but he says something is clearly occuring and I am just staring and being "weird." Last night this happened for 40 min. and then slowly tapered off. Suddenly, it was as if a veil was lifted from me and I felt clarity again. I have a new nuero and it's been very hard to explain this episode to him. I was diagnosed as complex partials previously but he insists that since I'm concious that it is not a big concern. He says it's partials- but I can get him to understand the disconnection I feel. Also, he said that these episodes should only last minutes but last night alone it was a little under an hour- and really- that has always been about the length of time mine last even when they were more intense. I'm a bit worried. Has anyone else had similar? This nuero brought up pseudo sz but I had an abnormal EEG before and my previous nuero said he was sure it wasn't that. The frequency and time of them seem to be what always throws everyone off. Could I be having non-convulsive status episodes? On very few occasions I have gone the whole day in this state. Are they coming back? Is this new?

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