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Seizure after effects

Fri, 04/19/2019 - 09:02
Hi all, I had a grand mal seizure just over a month ago and I am still feeling hazy. Can anyone relate to this length of time, it's been so long......


It's something I would speak

Submitted by Jazz101 on Sat, 2019-04-20 - 16:16
It's something I would speak with my neurologist about given the length of time. With Epilepsy, at times when you see things that just seem really off it's good to speak with the neurologist.Seizure patterns can change over time. How effective meds are can change over time. There are so many different things that are possible. What helps is to make sure you are not guessing because guessing only takes us places in the worry area. Speak with your neurologist. Best Regards

Hi Nigel, thanks for your

Submitted by George1356 on Sun, 2019-04-21 - 09:42
Hi Nigel, thanks for your comment. I think I just let this go on too long. Sometimes I think, this is just my life. I did contact me neurologist and he reduced the meds. I'll see how I go, thanks

Hi George, just thought I'd

Submitted by AndyP50 on Wed, 2019-05-08 - 06:00
Hi George, just thought I'd let you know I can relate to your experience. AEDs all seem to make me a bit tired anyway but a seizure leaves me feeling like I've got a bad head cold for a couple of weeks. It's what forced me to give up work until my seizures are fully controlled. My neurologist told me that some people simply have a longer postictal phase while the brain recovers from the seizure. I hope this helps.

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