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Mon, 03/04/2019 - 21:49
My boyfriend was diagnosed with a benign meningioma in his frontal lobe 2 years ago March 2017. He had the tumor removed. He had an MRI taken May 2018 and everything came back okay. Unfortunately he passed away November 2018. He had a seizure in the shower. Now I’m suspecting he stopped taking his medications. I do not have access to the autopsy reports. My question is, can a major seizure have caused his death by not taking his meds? Or could alcohol and I’m suspecting cocaine use also played a big part in his passing


I am so sorry for your loss.

Submitted by Amy Jo on Wed, 2019-03-06 - 12:06
I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what kinds of answers are possible but it is common to not get whatever one thinks one needs for all sorts of questions surrounding epilepsy. Some people only take medications for some period after surgery, situations can really vary but unless he was being followed for epilepsy, that wouldn't be unusual. And extracurricular drugs/alcohol can impact seizure thresholds but, again, might be impossible to say. Have you spoken with someone about SUDEP? info at and resources for families at

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