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jacksonian seizures

Fri, 03/11/2005 - 08:11

hi i am looking for people who have jacksonian seizures..

i need to know what is experienced before, during and after these seizures..

thanks mell


RE: jacksonian seizures

Submitted by mexican_fire on Thu, 2005-03-10 - 14:23


I have jacksonian marches as my simple partial seizure.

They start as a slight subtle shaking in my right hand, then my hand shakes harder and harder, until I haven't got any control over it nor can I stop it by holding it down.  It spreads either slowly up my arm and down my leg, or it spreads like wildfire and BAM, before you know it, my whole right side is doing some sort of clonic crap.  My muscles shake from my foot clear up to my upper-mid shoulder and everywhere inbetween, but only on that side.  My had goes numb, I won't be able to move it during the seizure, or for a few minutes afterwards.  Todd's Paralysis.  Also common.  Sometimes I will have an aura, but most of my auras occur prior to a CPS.

No one person can actually tell you what one feels like, because partial seizures of any kind are so extremely highly variable/meaning they are so very differnt for even the person having them. 

About all they can do is get out information related to it, and write that out, and you can follow the textbook guide as to what should happen.  But here again, people can't even really do that, becasue of all the variables involved with partial seizures.

good luck.

Nancy,  NREMT-B


I have jacksonian marches as my simple partial seizure.

They start as a slight subtle shaking in my right hand, then my hand shakes harder and harder, until I haven't got any control over it nor can I stop it by holding it down.  It spreads either slowly up my arm and down my leg, or it spreads like wildfire and BAM, before you know it, my whole right side is doing some sort of clonic crap.  My muscles shake from my foot clear up to my upper-mid shoulder and everywhere inbetween, but only on that side.  My had goes numb, I won't be able to move it during the seizure, or for a few minutes afterwards.  Todd's Paralysis.  Also common.  Sometimes I will have an aura, but most of my auras occur prior to a CPS.

No one person can actually tell you what one feels like, because partial seizures of any kind are so extremely highly variable/meaning they are so very differnt for even the person having them. 

About all they can do is get out information related to it, and write that out, and you can follow the textbook guide as to what should happen.  But here again, people can't even really do that, becasue of all the variables involved with partial seizures.

good luck.

Nancy,  NREMT-B

RE: RE: jacksonian seizures

Submitted by mell on Thu, 2005-03-10 - 14:30
thanks for this....

RE: jacksonian seizures

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2005-03-11 - 08:11
check out my group

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