Community Forum Archive

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Gift of my Epilepsy

Sun, 10/04/2015 - 09:13

I have temporal lobe epilepsy and have "mystical/escatic" partial seizures and I started to paint few months ago.I was so fed up before painting that I considered ending my life.. Art has saved me, please view my work at . I finger paint during these mystical states which now after being diagnosed I know are seizures.


The auras of a seizure are

Submitted by on Sun, 2016-04-03 - 09:54
The auras of a seizure are your subconscious mind taking over because of a malfunction in your conscious mind. If this increases in intensity a more severe seizure results. I had the same for a while until one became a full blown seizure. I hope you have a neurologist so you know how to avert this..Your beautiful painting is inspired by your mind-not your seizures. As you said it could be the way your mind is helping you cope with the seizure activity in your brain. 

The auras of a seizure are

Submitted by on Sun, 2016-04-03 - 10:10
The auras of a seizure are your subconscious mind taking over because of a malfunction in your conscious mind. If this increases in intensity a more severe seizure results. I had the same for a while until one became a full blown seizure. I hope you have a neurologist so you know how to avert this..Your beautiful painting is inspired by your mind-not your seizures. As you said it could be the way your mind is helping you cope with the seizure activity in your brain. 

Want to have a grand mal ??

Submitted by on Sun, 2016-04-03 - 10:10
Want to have a grand mal ?? Sounds like you need a psychologist -to help you determine why this is only thing that makes u feel good! Find one so You can help yourself to" have that feeling again".

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