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Unsuspected risks

Sat, 01/08/2005 - 15:54


I came to this site because of a tetanus article that was linked to this site. When I read the article I wondered what country this site is in. (It doesn't sound like my experience of the United States.)

I'm in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and I got a darning needle in my toe after gardening, and about 6 weeks later I got major muscle contractions in my back.

The risk I'm talking about is not so much the tetanus, as the fact that my brain damage from extended undiagnosed and untreated low Vitamin B12 caused me to be unable to clearly explain at the ER. I had been screaming in the ambulance from the pain of the muscles in my back contracting, and the ER docs decided that my problem was Paranoia. Literally. 

They eventually gave me a small amount of antibiotic, which they said was to calm me down. But it wasn't enough... nor was it up to the amounts mentioned here on the web.

So I remained really sick for an extremely long time. I'm still sick and can barely get up, despite the fact I got the needle in my toe August 14, 2004. I can be up for 7 minutes before my muscles all start tightening again. 7 minutesn is not long enough to do almost anything.

What I want to say, is that it would be really wise to arrange with someone that if you ever have to go to the hospital as an emergency, the person would come to help you explain. That could make the difference between getting the proper treatment you need, and being treated as if you are crazy.

I have an extensive web page on the tetanus:

Much of my site is devoted to vitamin B12 and what I wish I'd know so I wouldn't have permanent nerve damage:
     Your fingernails reflect your health --
     Learn what warning signs to look for --
                                Karen Kline

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