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Sun, 12/05/2004 - 18:08

Thank you for being supportive Marjie.  There's nothing like coming on this board, looking for support and reading a message being ripped apart.  Thank God I found my answer to my problems before I read that message.  If you go back to this message under response 7 you can read what happened when I saw my original neurologist!

To Mexicanfire...I appreciate your attempt at guidance.  I am sorry you have epilepsy.  It is certainly something I do not want.  I do not feel that I need to explain myself to you or my situation, but I have been sick for 5 months, searching for answers, taking test after test, looking on the internet for answers to why I have been sick.  I have been to a neurologist, cardiologist, hematologist, and endocrinologist.  I've even been screened by a psychiatrist (thank you!) for pseudo-seizures and I came out with flying colors!  5 months ago, my neuro thought I might be having partial complex seizures, but I was told they were ruled out because I was conscious during these seizures.  Then a couple of weeks ago, I was referred to a neurologist in Boston and that doctor referred me to an epilepsy center.  This started the whole question of why epilepsy had been ruled out in the first place and we started researching it again.  Then we had discovered Simple Partial Seizures.  This was the first time I had heard of a seizure where you remain conscious during the seizure.  I read the symptoms and they sounded a LOT like mine and I thought that my 5 months of prayers for answers were about to be answered.  So, if I appeared to be "angry", as you say, if I seemed like I "wanted epilepsy", it may appear to be so.  But what I really wanted was my answer.  My answer to what was wrong with me.  And now I have that.  So, please keep that in mind before making judgments about people that you don't really know.  I wrote on this board in a time that I really needed help and thank God I didn't read your letter before I got my diagnosis from my doctor.  I would have been devastated. 


RE: Mexicanfire...

Submitted by Belinda on Mon, 2004-12-06 - 18:53
I have had epilepsy all my life.I've been to N.I.H in Bethesda Marylady.Montreal Neurological Institute in Montreal.My VNS doc is in Atlanta,Ga at Emory a teaching hospital.I've been in this hospital quite a few time.My neurologist Who I respect more anyone is just 5 minutes away at another hospital.I didn't exactly choose epilepsy myself but the moron of the docor who delivered me and who used forceps caused my epilepsy.I have tonic-clonic-atonic-Absence-partial-complex-partial.I often remain conscious during my seizures and have during my lifetime.I've never been controlled in my life.I'm certainly not going to give up on my life though. Belinda

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