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epi harrassing, acting out of line, nasty and negative

Sun, 06/12/2005 - 20:03

Hi guys~~

Well, my supposed great epileptologist has lost a patient.

He as not been very good or fair to me since the begining of this referral 1.5 years ago.

This last visit, he sat there and said that blood levels of Depakote shouldn't be done, that you treat the person, not the paper (there is some validity to that one), he told me I have NES, when I was diagnosed with EEGs and VEEGs 2 years ago that say otherwise.  He told me that if I didn't go with what he said, he was going to release me, then I would have nowhere to go for treatment, he said meds don't help me, but how would he know, he doesn't live with it, I am the only on that can tell if the meds help.  They have had to switch 8 other times, because I have either had a bad reaction to them or they didn't quite fit the bill.

I have been afraid to go to that facility to see him for some time, now, because all he does is contradict himself several times in the same 15 minute session, he cut me off several times, when I had questions for him.  He didn't want to do anything, because as he nastily told my mother who was there to intervene, that I was only there for meds and nothing else.

He talks very negatively about having epilepsy.  I am not sure if he acts this way, because I am on state insurance and it does not cover his services or that of the facility's.  My mom thinks he may be pissed about that, so he treats me badly and unfairly in return. 

My next appointment was going to be in December, but they will not be seeing me again.

His parting comment to us was that he will assign me to a resident or PA, the next time, if he decides to keep me after I get there.

I was actually sickened, angered, disgusted, hurt and irritated by all of it for several days.  This is a person who is supposed to care about taking care of and the well-being of people with seizures.  He is a specialist, but it sure hasn't shown since I have been there.

I came home and the next day, went to my GP to get refills on meds from him, and told him about the fiasco going on with my epi, and he told me that it was a no no and shouldn't have ever gone on.  He shouldn't have been making derogative comments about my epilepsy.  My GP also said that telling a confirmed epileptic of 2.5 years, now, that they have NES is way beyond what he should be saying.  This is already enough of a touchy subject for me, and to have him doing and saying that??

He reduced my Depakote by 500 mgs (which made my D.O. quite angry) and switched it to ER formula.  I think that was wrong too, because he didn't have a current blood level on me and refused to take it saying that he didn't think it was necessary to do.

I was fairly controlled at  1500 mgs/day, and now I am taking 1000 mgs/day and in 2 weeks have had 3 seizures.

He is and has been depriving me of fair and quality treatment.

I just wanted to get your take on this and see what you thought about it, what should have been going on, what shouldn't have occured, etc.

I told my GP about this, and he referred me the next day back to the original neuro who diagnosed this whole mess, who knows my epileptic HX better than anyone.

I go to him Sept, 1st.

So we shall see.  I know he isn't going to be happy about this whole thing.



DX: April 2003
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy of Janz
2 AEDs



RE: epi harrassing, acting out of line, nasty and negative

Submitted by straws on Sun, 2005-06-12 - 20:03
I can't help a whole lot, but maybe I give a little friendly advice.First, GOOD FOR YOU! You should be fed up with this twit! I would call the neuro you will be seeing on Sept 1 and confirm that going down on your Depakote was, in fact, not good medical advice. I would think you should stay on the old dose until your appointment (be sure to highlight the lack of blood level and increase in seizures since the change). Second, not all specialists have common sense. I went to an epi to get CPS diagnosed (versus basilar migraines), and he swore that I didn't have either seizures or basilar migraines (with an abnormal EEG in hand confirming it was one or ther other) and that what I'd been experiencing all of these years (20 years from the first onset of symptoms)...all 20 years...was just STRESS. Simple stress. Complete moron! A second opinion epi swears I'm a slam dunk for CPS. The neuro I now see (who understands basilar migraines where the first two didn't have a clue) thinks the two go hand in hand, and I continue to see him. Not all doctors are right for you.You have to go with your gut on these things. It doesn't sound like this guy has much respect for your position. Even the guy finishing last in med school gets to put M.D. after his name, unfortunately. Thank goodness your GP has a brain and was willing to give you the referral back to your other neuro; lean on your GP for guidance in the meantime. I'd be inclined (since I work in medical records) to request my records from the epi. I'd want to see his documented rationale for changing the dose of your medication, and be sure to give your neurologist on September 1 all of this information as well. If he deserves an arse-chewing, all the better to have it come from a colleague. If not...if there is some twisted land that he lives in where he was doing things clinically correctly (though I'm not seeing it from your short history here, but I'll leave that slim margin open for arguments' sake since I know jack about JME specifically), then at least there is continuity of care, which is always beneficial for you, the patient. You should never feel powerless over your medical care.Hopefully the above will make this situation a little more productive than it currently of luck, Nancy!!!

RE: RE: epi harrassing, acting out of line, nasty and negative

Submitted by taho on Mon, 2005-06-13 - 11:43
Hi there Nancy,First, I am so sorry that you had to experience that. It hurts when someone who is supposed to help knocks you down when you are already bruised and battered. My heart goes out to you. I would recommend that you make a call to the state board of health. In this instance, you have a witness to the poor treatment. Also, if this isn't his facility, i.e. it is a partnership, you should complain to the person in charge and the state sponsered agency that is helping you pay the bill. I cringe to think of all the scenarios that could happen with this person--one of the meds I was on made me feel extremely depressed and border-line suicidal. Can you imagine a similar patient with that dr.? Use your anger to help may be theraputic for you as well as effective for the doc. Of course, I also agree w/Nancy about what you should do in the meantime. Perhaps if you were willing to start a thread where you tell where you live and ask for potential referrals? Good luck and keep us posted.toni

RE: RE: RE: epi harrassing, acting out of line, nasty and negati

Submitted by kayakmom on Sun, 2005-06-19 - 16:19

Sorry this happened Nancy! You are lucky to have a great GP standing by. Hoping the old neuro will straighten it all out. Hang in there!!


We have been through a bad epi who lied.....(call them epistupidologists now....) not all of them, just ones that are either lying about patients or so egotistical that they say they can do no wrong and seem good at misdiagnosing patients often...



Hoping you can get on your old dose and do better until the neuro apt!


Sorry this happened Nancy! You are lucky to have a great GP standing by. Hoping the old neuro will straighten it all out. Hang in there!!


We have been through a bad epi who lied.....(call them epistupidologists now....) not all of them, just ones that are either lying about patients or so egotistical that they say they can do no wrong and seem good at misdiagnosing patients often...



Hoping you can get on your old dose and do better until the neuro apt!


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