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What's going on?

Thu, 05/08/2008 - 14:57

Haven't seen much posting on acupuncture or other forms of energy work, so I decided to post :-)

I've been taking either tegretol or carbatrol (800mg) since I was 16, and I'm 44 now. I've rarely even thought about having epilepsy, since I didn't think it affected me beyond having scrambled thinking, feeling giddy, etc without meds. With them I've had 20+ years in the tech industry in a senior position, and lived a very active life. I feel very grateful for this. The past couple of years I've noticed it's very hard to focus at work and as such, my work performance has degraded and my satisfaction plumetted. I thought it was simply boredom doing the same thing, since I really started getting bored 7 years ago. It may be and I'm pursuing other avenues, while trying to find the enjoyment again just where I'm at. Another thing that happened in the past 3 years is I was treated for anxity; CBT counseling and xanax for less than a year. I thought I was doing really good, but the past month, anxiety is coming back. That's around the time I started having a fairly fast spiritual awakening, brought on by a lot of  energy/spiritual healing (both as a recipient and a giver.) I've read that this can cause people to feel like they're going crazy, get anxiety (esp if one is prone to it), and a myriad of other symptoms. I went for one acupuncture appointment last week (a new thing for me) and I was in a fog the rest of the day. Ever since then though I'm feeling really good. The dr. said I had a lot of energy very tight up in my head area. This is consistent with what other energy workers have told me, but in different terms (e.g. "my energies are all running up", "there's a black area in my head" (conotes death or long-term disease), "not sure if it's the meds fogging me up, or what" - like the epilepsy.) One referred me to this traditional chinese medicine (TCM) doctor, who's had good luck getting people's epilepsy medicines reduced, or getting them off altogether via acupuncture and herbs. Since I'm having reservations about a year long program with her, of which could make me worse from how I felt that first day, I also called my nuerologist this week who wants to run a battery of tests like cognitive, since my memory has gone to hell, and the racing thinking, lack of concentration etc he says are all common complaints by patients. He wants to check for seizure and brain damage. I haven't had any tests other than blood in about 15 years or more. So, I'm going to get this done, so that I have more info to work with, but am not sure whether to continue with the accupuncture right now or not. In a fog for 1 day, but yesterday I got SOOOO much done at work; really thinking clear and positive. The old me. I'm also doing Reiki on myself each day as I was recently attuned. Oh, add on top of the epilepsy, meds, and spiritual awakening, I'm going through peri-menopause (major hormones).

The diagnosis previously has been complex, partial seizures, but other symptoms lend themselves to generalized as well he says.

Rare symptoms: A few micro-second blackouts in my entire life (not recently), a couple of drops, some jerking, the wierd deja-vu thing, mild tremors, body parts out of proportion in my sensations of them. No one has ever commented on noticing anything, so everything must be mild, or I was by myself at the time.

More common: slurred speech, memory failing, mixing letters up on words because they kind of sound alike, grammer in writing going downhill, going on auto-pilot talking with people, while I space out on some tangent of thought, lack of focus with tasks, unless I'm really enjoying them and they don't require left-brain thinking. People are noticing this. And even though I've been working on being calmer, like yoga, meditating, etc and enjoying the more creative side that's coming out in me, I seem to be even more reactive now a days. It's affecting my work life.

If I'd been following what epilepsy was all about, I'd know more now. :-(  Most of my life I attributed symptoms to just being "me", and not a disorder, believe it or not. OK, this is a ton of variables and I'm confused as to allow doc to prescribe more meds for what if the meds are what's causing my symptoms, but what if I'm getting brain damage caused by untreated seizure activity? Or I'm simply going through a spiritual awakening that I need to let run its course, or, I'm just worrying too much, and I should leave well enough alone and start living my life and be grateful for today. I'm not expecting anyone to have the answers as that'll likely come from within, but I'd be grateful for any sharing or input you do have. :-)  One direct question though would be does this sound like over or wrongly medicated behavior or seizure activity? I have no idea.

 In Light

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