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Mon, 10/28/2013 - 17:53


I am not new to epilepsy just this baird.

I walked off about 4 years ago for personal reasons.

I got my VNS because I was rea;;y s;iding down hill and almost died.

I was just wondering if anyone else has a vns and what your setting was on it nad if you are in Hawaii.

My VNS iwas set to 5 minutes OFF aand 20 seconds ON.  now it has been adjustrd to 1.8 minutes OFF and 21 seconds ON.

I started responding to the VNS at 3 months.  I can use that magnet and am able to stop the oncoming sz and the aura.  although sometimes I will miss.

I got it on sept 20 of 07 replaced on august 25 of 10,



Hi Nancy,

Submitted by epihelp on Tue, 2014-03-25 - 14:12
Hi Nancy, Just saw your post and glad to hear the VNS is working. Stop on by and visit. I think you'll find many people with VNS to share experiences.

I think it is starting to

Submitted by UH_Warrior13 on Sun, 2014-03-30 - 17:40
I think it is starting to wear down again, but I will not know until I see my neuro on the 22 of april. I have alrady had it done once so I may have to do it again, sinve they made the cycle closer together, that will wear it down faster, and including all the swipes that have gpne along with it. I am sorry I have a mess with the typing but I had a sz earlier this morning, so I am going to go and take a nap. NAncy

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