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Tue, 05/10/2016 - 01:53
Neurofeedback! Any body hear of it or use it as to treat and help control their seizures? If so what are your thought about it and experiences? Thanks


What kind of complementary

Submitted by vadadorman on Fri, 2016-05-13 - 07:18
What kind of complementary therapy are you considering?

Hi Simone,I have taken an

Submitted by suzanne.randle on Thu, 2016-07-14 - 13:45
Hi Simone,I have taken an introductory class on Neurofeedback, which gives me only some familiarity with it but certainly no expertise. There is research to support using Neurofeedback for the treatment of seizures, but it can be expensive and won't necessarily work for everyone. That said, my son has epilepsy and we have tried all kinds of alternative and complimentary treatments in addition to pharmacotherapy. If you are drawn to a particular treatment, I would suggest doing some research, talking to your doctor and trying it if it seems like a good fit. It may or may not work for you, but it is certainly worth the effort. My son now takes a fraction of the medication he was taking previously, and has far fewer side effects. (We have not yet tried Neurofeedback) Here is one article I found for you, the NCBI is a great resource. of luck to you!-Suzanne

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