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"feeling" others siezures

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 06:27
I am blessed to have certain gifts and one that I found by accident is the ability to tell when the little girl I am an Aide for has a siezure coming. It may sound strange but I can be near her and feel her aura start, look at her and ask if she is ok and sure enough she wil begin to spiral down. I say spiral because that is how it feels to me. Like she is spiraling down a black hole and everything fades away to black. There is a definite spinning feeling. I am now able to sense this spiral and get her into a safe position. She does not have spasms but gets very weak along with having Cerebral Palsey and needs to be sitting and held up. Does anyone have experience with this "sensing"? I am a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and my other gifts include clairevoyance, clairesentience, and a weaker ability for mediumship. Lovea nd light, Tracey


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by gretchen1 on Thu, 2006-06-29 - 21:54
I was a total non believer in Eastern Medicine until I went through the training to become a hospice nurse. One of my training days was spent with a Chinese accupuncturist. I happened to have menstrual cramps and a migraine that day. Asking for volunteers, I did. This was a man well known in a large metro area for his practice and lectures on the theories and practice of Chinese accupuncture. My cramps and headaches were relieved but the accupressure he taught me to do at home for the same, didn't work for me. I suspect it takes a good deal of practice. So going along with that, being refractory, I started looking into adjunct therapies with my AEDs. I use three. One is Chinese accunpuncture. I've been to three practitioners, all use the Northern Chinese method. This method prepares the body by "cleansing' which is a lengthy process if done right. I've also taken my dog to an accupuncturist, a veterinarian for spinal arthritis and I can say she showed no pain reactions with 23 needles and I felt none either but I also think, for lack of a better word, once the cleansing process is finished I'm almost trance like I'm in such a state of tranquility. For instance I'm laying on a hard unpadded wood table that is very uncomfortable at first but as the cleansing process progresses I no longer feel the pressure points of the hard table. Later, nor do I feel pain of the needle insertion, it's only a feeling of maybe I'd say slight pressure. Of the three accupuncturists I've gone to one was recommended and those treatments did stop my absences by observation, not clinical findings, for about 5 days. Always did for about 5 days. Getting my insurance to pay it was another matter though, and I had to stop. The other two I went to rushed through the preparation process I felt, maybe that's why, but I had no relief of sz's with either of the last two. My dog had maybe partial relief of pain in her spine but I had to place her back on an NSAI which was more effective for her but hard on her gut. I have also had a strange experience. I don't understand it so I'll only relate it. I have a very bad back and have been in several pain clinics for treatment. Multi modalities were used among which were, twice, with two different people, deep myofascial massage. It's really torture, painful but it's to release trigger points, reallign the spine and improve the gate. Both therapists had college degrees as physical therapists and advanced training in deep myofascial massage. One woman was very spiritual, she told me this. I was going through a hard time of my life then. I wasn't sz'ing at that time that I knew of. Several times I went in for my torture massage with negative thoughts, recent bad experiences and after a short period of time she'd sit back. She was very fair. Her face would be beet red, pouring with sweat, looked obviously distressed and worn out and asked me to come back when she wasn't receiving so much anger from from me when she touched me. Go figure. She was always accurate. Gretchen

Submitted by Healer on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 18:33

Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by sheila7000 on Sat, 2007-09-01 - 19:20
I'm suggesting also trying a form of accupressure called EFT. Lots of into exists about this on the internet if you do a search in google. This form of EFT has been used since 1992. I use it for shutting off my son's seizures (and many other things) and use it daily whether he has seizures or not. We've yet to find a good seizure drug for him. Right now he's 3 and on nothing, but had 2 seizures during a long trip -- so need to find a drug that doesn't give him severe side effects. Regardless, accupressure is safe to use whether on or off drugs (so doctors have told me, but aren't convinced of any effectiveness in it either)

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